chapter 60

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After Elijah left I turned to Matthew "are you sure you're ok" I ask, It was obvious he wasnt. "Of course" he replied with a smile that screamed fake. "Elijah said that it helps to talk about things that give you problems or worries" I say and his smiles into a genuine one. "Avery you're only 15, I cant possibly tell you my problems, I'm suppose to be the adult"  I couldnt help but laugh a little as I remember Elijah tell me similar thing. He gave me a questionable look which I then realized I probably seemed rude. "Eli said that when we got h...home" I explained,  my voice was shakey when I said home. The thought of what Garrows had done, how he entered a place I considered to be my home, it still terrified me. Matthew chuckled at my response but his facial expression turned from amused to concerned in seconds "are you ok, you sounded a little shakey" he asked. I nodded "just the thought of Garrows being in the place I call home" I clarify, there was no point lying. Not after everything that had happened.  "Oh sweetheart, the feeling is completely normal, just know he wont ever hurt you again. You are safe now, and I'm sure Elijah would gladly get a new place if that was what you wanted" he says as he pulls me into a comforting hug. "He suggested that too, last night"  there was a pause for a moment bbefore mathew replied "he would give you the world if he could" and I couldnt help but smile. This was what it felt like to be cared for. Of course I was aware he cared for me, it just felt nice hearing someone else tell me he did. It showed it wasnt Elijah lying. "How about we go to the living room and watch a film" he suggested and I nod.

When we reach the living room, I see the opening scene playing from.a film. Max and em were wrapped in blankets, max comforting her. Lydia was offering soothing words "its gonna be ok, Elijah isn't a monster he wont do anything rash" she said as she stroked her hair. "Maybe I shouldnt be here" I whispered so only Matthew could hear. "Nomsense. You are family, you should be here" he told me quietly then turned to the others "guys, Avery is here. Em, Elijah isnt really angry anymore, he only goes after people who truly deserve it. We are going to watch a film and they will be back soon" he said calmly. His tone was authoritative yet caring, kg made everyone comply, what he said was reasonable right?

Everything soon calmed down and we began watching a film. It was nice however I secretly wished Elijah was here. I wasnt dumb, I knew he was with Maisey, probably giving her a lecture. They would join us soon and I felt bad for not wanting Maisey to come down.

"You fucking bitch"

Max quickly stopped the film as we heard Elijah shout. Fuck, he was angry. At first Em got up and hurried out, we all soon followed.  Maisey ran down the stairs, I noticed glass shards in her arm. Shit. Elijah didnt do this did he. He wouldnt right?

Memories flashed before me as I thought back to my last foster home. The Davies. They were nice at first but then they began to slowly abuse me, at first it was denying me food, then it was denying me a room and that quickly turned to slaps and punches. One day I dropped a plate as I was washing up. Mrs Davies had heard and came in the kitchen punched my ribs, picked up a shard and stabbed me with it. When Mr Davies came home he had made me stand against the wall as he threw glasses at me.

I shudder at the memory. Elijah wouldnt. He wasn't like that. He was different.  He wasn't abusive. He was Elijah. Sure he could be scary when angry but he wouldnt.
But why the hell did she have glass in her arm.

"Elijah h..he....."

Ok sorry it's so short. Felt like this was a good place to leave it. I know my updating hasnt been regular recently and I'm sorry for that, I have had so many assignments and no motivation to work on any books, but I'm getting the motivation back now so hopefully back to a regular update.

Also  the glass in her arm was from a broken glass cup.
Cant wait to write the next chapter, you probably all be wanting to jump into the book and murder someone🔪🔪...Will it be Elijah or Maisey?
And finally, any thoughts on how the glass got there.

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