chapter 62

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After we watched the video, max went on a rant about how calm dad and I were.  The only reason I was calm though was because I had Avery asleep, half on me and half on the sofa, she was clinging to me like o would disappear any second.

I decided to stop his ranting because honestly I had enough of this. This was suppose to be a family meal but instead it turned into so much drama. I just wanted everything to calm down and be simple like it used to be. "Enough Max, I will talk to em about getting an appointment with a psychologist.  Until everything is sorted I wont be bringing Avery around when Maisey is here, I cant have her getting hurt" I tell them both, luckily they both agree "I agree, Avery doesnt need this right now" dad spoke which max nodded in agreement. "Actually Elijah I think maybe Avery should see someone" dad continued and at first a glare made it's way on to my face. My baby wasn't insane but then i remembered everything she went through. I nodded reluctantly "yeah i guess after some of the things shes told me, that wouldnt be the worst idea. Of course this is up to her. If she doesnt want to, I'm not going to make her. Shes been through so much. I know shes struggling with everything,  I just dont know what to do, I wish I could make it better but all I can do is reassure her I'm not going anywhere and I wont hurt her" I say feeling my cheeks dampen. Well shit. Dad gives me a pity look and max looks like he wants to cry any second. "You know Sarah abused her, I dont know the details but that bitch took her away to protect her from me and instead beat her" I felt myself getting angry just by the mention of that sick pathetic excuse of a woman, she really was a waste of oxygen.

"Well she has us now Elijah, shes were she belongs and no one is going to get her again" dad told me with a dark look in his eyes.

"I agree,  and If any fucker tries to hurt her we will deal with them" max added.

I smiled and looked down at Avery. I was happy that I not only had her back but my family was also protective of her.

Just as I was looking down I felt her move and after a moment she had woken up.  "I'm sorry I didnt mean to sleep on you" she said quickly removing herself from me. "Its ok sweetheart. How about we go back downstairs. I just need to talk to em then we can go home. There isn't much point of you going to school tommorow so maybe we could have another chill day. I was also thinking about how we should get a place closer to your school. I'm gonna be working late alot and the apartment is pretty far. I'd feel a whole lot better if we lived closer in town but if you're happy with where we live now then we can stay" I say, giving her way to much information then necessary.  At first I was just wanting to tell her I needed to talk to em before we left but then the idea hit me and I couldnt stop myself from rambling.  Of course it wasnt anything to do with her school, more what happened there.

"Ok, but can I help you choose" her smile widened and I nodded "of course, we can look for some tommorow if you want" I tell her and she nods.

This was going to be a new start for us both.
No more people from her past showing up.
No more pain, no more abuse.
A new start and i wasnt going to mess up.

After that we all went downstairs,  I found Em crying in the kitchen. Mum or Maisey wasnt there so I figured now was the best time to talk. "Avery go with max and my dad please" I say motioning for them to take her.

"I'm a bad mother" Em said as soon as it was just us two. I pulled her into a hug straight away "you are not a bad mum, we will figure this out. I think Maisey needs to see a psychologist too" I tell her and she nods. "I know, I already made plans to contact one tommorow " she whispered and I nodded. "You are a amazing mum, a little too easy on her but still amazing.  Where is she now?" I say and she smiles "shes outside, mum is with her" she tells me and I nod. "How about we go talk to her" I suggest and she nods.

*time skip*

So that went terrible. We both were calm and patient  but Maisey didnt like the idea of seeing someone so I had asked her to tell me why she is acting out so much and her response was to hit me and tell me that she hated me. Honestly it was getting old now, no matter how calmly I approached the situation she acted out. She ran off inside. I turned to Em who was in tears. "She used to be so happy, you were both so close. I just dont understand" she  cried. "Look Em, Avery is my daughter she will always come first so I have to do what's best for her, however Maisey is important to me too and nothing she says or does will change my mind. I would never replace her or hate her.We will get her the help, and we will get her back to normal" I tell her, I was determined to keep my word. "Thank you Eli" I smile and nod "anything for family"

We head back inside and we head to the living room from where we can hear talking. I was about to tell Avery that we can go home when Maisey ran in. Before I could even blink, she lunged at Avery and repeatedly hit her. Fuck. No one hurts my daughter. I walk swiftly closer and grab Maisey by the back of her top and pull her off "it's her fault, shes the reason you're abandoning me" she cried and my anger dropped. "I'm not abandoning you Maisey. I would never do that" I say and pull her into a hug. She hugs back but then pushes away. "No you are, you are making me see a doctor" she declares but before I can tell her that we are doing it because she needs help, max interrupted "you're seeing a doctor because you are nothing but a violent brat. You nearly blinded Elijah. You are blaming Avery but she has done nothing to you. You still matter to us, you will always be our family we would never replace you but Elijah and Avery have a new bond,  just like you and your mum. We need you to see someone before you do real damage. You are being nothing but a spoilt brat and if it doesn't stop I will put you in your place. No hesitation because I'm sick of you hurting everyone around you, hurting the people who love you" he was shouting by the end of his little rant and to say we were all shocked was a understatement. max had never raised his voice before, he was the chill person and yet here he was calling out her behaviour. "Fuck you" Maisey screamed. My blood ran cold hearing her swear. "Oh you wanna curse at me, keep it up see where it gets you" he got closer to her. I didn't know what to do, on one hand she needed to be put in her place however  I didnt know if this was the right way.

Clearly I took to long deciding because seconds later he gave her a few quick smacks. She responded by kicking and punching which he delivered more. "I'm sorry" she cried and Max stopped and pulled her into a hug "dont make me do that again" he said, I noticed then how red his eyes were, he was in tears and I felt for him.
This was a huge mess.
I looked over at Avery and she was looking at Max with fear. Just great.

"Please apologise to Avery" max asked and Maisey reluctantly nodded "sorry" she whispered.

Did that just work? It cant have but looking at her, she looked almost guilty and thankful she didnt fear max as she clung to him hugging him like her life depended on it.

"How about we watch a movie as a family" mum said after a few minutes.

"Avery and I should be heading back" I say not wanting to deal with anymore drama tonight.

"Very well, maybe next time" she seems to understand and I nod, grateful that she isnt making us stay.

"Let's get going Avery"

Thank god tonight is over. I couldnt deal with all that again. At least we had made progress.

Soooo progess has been made. And hopefully things are looking up for a few chapters. 
Written this chapter instead of my actual assignment. 👩‍🎓👮‍♀️🕵️‍♀️👩‍🔬 Need to sort myself was definitely worth it though.

Thoughts on Max's response?
Also he didnt fully beat her up, maybe just 5 or 6 light smacks.  Nothing major, no bruises or anything.

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