chapter 1

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I had really screwed things up this time, I was done for. Miss Eliza always expected me to be back on time and I was running late, my teacher had asked me to stay behind, she was concerned about things at home, everyone knew about my situation, the teachers were all informed when I enrolled and the students found out soon after. So after escaping school, my second hell I decided to take a short cut, I hadnt got much time left, as I realize I was suppose to be back by now I pick up the pace and soon I'm jogging, only my ribs start to hurt from last night and i slow down but then I see them, Kyle and his friends, they were my bullies and they spotted me straight away, I started to run and slip down a alley to hide from them. I sit behind a dumpster as I listen to their feet run past but that's not the only thing I hear.
"The money Spencer and all this will be over"
"I dont have it, please one more week"
"You said that last time, I'm not sure I believe you"
"You wont kill me with a witness"
"Look around, there is no one here"
"Behind the bin"
That's when I freak out, this guy had seen me, I was dead. Maybe death is a good thing.
Suddenly I'm pulled up from my crouching position and I'm looking into the eyes of a man no older than 40. His glare was deep and his gaze hardened "who the hell are you" he asks pinning me to the wall, all my senses tell me to scream and run but the fear inside me causes me to scream. I have to think and quick. "Ellie" I say quickly, giving a fake name. He looks at me skeptically and all I can think of is he was going to kill that man who was about to run down the alley, this man would probably kill me. Maybe he would torture me first. Oh god. I couldnt help it and tears began to form and soon I was crying and shaking from fear. The mans gaze softened and he let go off me "how old are you kid" he asks and I was about to answer but the man, Spencer I think he called him gets up and runs, the man didnt like that as he caught him within seconds "what do you think you're doing" he asks his tone was scary. "I..I please dont kill me" spencer stuttered. "4 days" the man said and tossed him out of the alley. Now I was alone with this man, I was terrified and my mind couldnt stop the scenarios, each one worse than the last. "So your age" he asks in a calm voice, to calm. "15 s...sir" I stutter, my voice was shakey from fear. "Why are you down here" he asked referring to why I was in the alley. Before I could answer, I heard Kyle. He had found me. "She went down her, you two go fetch me that bitch" he shouted to his friends and I press myself against the wall hoping to become one with it. The man looks at the two boys approaching and back at me "i see" he says and then goes straight up to the boys "i suggest you leave right now, I'm not a patient man so dont even think about testing me" his voice was menacing and the boys quickly nodded and left. He was probably only getting rid of them so he could kill me and no one would know. Suddenly there is shouting coming from Kyle and he comes down the alley himself. "and you are" kyle asks, looking at the man like he meant nothing, like he wasnt dangerous. "I could say the same thing to you, what's your name" he ordered and kyle gulped "Kyle Brooks and you" he answers. "Elijjah West, I suggest you watch your back, I can have your family on the streets just like that, now here is what you are going to do, you are going to go home and you are never going to bully her again" he said in a menacingly cold tone, kyle quickly agreed and left along with his friends who were watching from a distant. Elijah west, his name sounded familiar and after a moment of thinking it clicked he was the owner of West&co. He was known to be a ruthless, cold hearted billionaire. "And as for you, you will forget everything you saw today and go home" he told me and I nod fast, I didnt want him to change his mind and kill me. I shakely move away from the corner and only then do I remember, I was late so very late especially when it was adoption/foster day. "Excuse me sir, what time is it" I ask quietly, I flinch when he looks at me "4 30pm" he replays and I gulp I was very late, she was going to kill me. I wont ever get fostered let alone adopted but miss Eliza liked me to be there, according to her it was so I could see all the children going away with happy families but it didnt bother me, I knew half the families there probably werent good, infact they probably would end up abusing the children. "Thank you sir" I quickly say and start to run out the alley, I was definitely gonna get it tonight.

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