chapter 55

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It was finally just Avery and I. We had just got home and it felt strange to be back after so long. Avery was tired, that was obvious so I decided it would be better for me to make dinner and both of us get a good night sleep. "Right I'll make dinner" I announce and she looks at me like I've grown two heads "you cant make dinner, you're suppose to be resting. I'll make it" I found it sweet how she cared and quite amusing.  "Of course I'm making dinner, I'm the adult here" I say although I desperately wanted to say parent instead of adult. "Yeah but you need rest" she countered. "And you dont, you look exhausted Avery" I was trying my best not to argue but I couldnt belp it. Avery shouldn't have to cook, shes just a child whereas I'm the adult, she was my responsibility,  not the other way round.

I ignored her protests about me cooking, she was adamant that I needed to rest, instead I made my way to the kitchen to see what we could have.  It turns out she was  right, I really did feel to exhausted to cook. I shut the freezer door and turn to her "takeout it is" even if I wasnt up for cooking i wasnt going to allow Avery to. She seemed to accept my new anwser and her smile grew "what type of takeaway" she asked as we went back to the living room. I thought for a minute "it's up to you" I tell her. "Pizza" her reply was almost instant causing me to laugh s little. "Ok I'll get ordering, pick out a film for us to watch"

So that's how we spent the evening, eating pizza and icecream whilst watching at least 2 movies. By the end of the night she was wrapped up in the blanket, her head rested on my chest and my arm that I had placed around her, well she now had hold of it. It was an adorable sight, I watched for a moment as she held my arm whilst hugging it. This was too cute not to take a picture. I hesitated knowing that was what Garrows did and that she was asleep right now so she hadnt given me permission. I was about to put my phone back when her hug tightened. Screw it. I'll tell her tommorow and if she wants me to delete it I will.

After the picture was taken I slowly got up with the intent to carry her to her room and then leave but that disnt work out.
"Please don't leave me Elijah" I heard her mumble,  at first  I thought she was awake but I quickly realized she was asleep.  How could I say no to her I thought as I quietly sit back down.

I opened my eyes, realizing I must have fallen asleep.  Checking the time I see it's almost midnight, this time Avery really did need to go to bed. As soon as I get up this time her eyes snap open. "Good you're awake, let's get you to bed" I say holding out my hand to help her up. She was still very groggy but allowed me to help her up. I was suprised when she never let go of my hand, not that I was complaining.

We reached her room and i began to panic when i saw her looking around now fully alert. I could see the fear she had and then it hit me, the cameras. I had been so busy that I almost forgot about them. "How about you sleep in the guest room tonight and we move your stuff there tommorow" I suggest, she still looked hesitant causing my panic to rise "or maybe we should look for a new house, or apartment anything you want" I said not liking the fear she had. She looked at me wide eyed and then laughed. I get that i seemed to be joking but I wasn't. "I mean it hun, I would buy you the world if i could" i reassured but she shook her head "the guest room will be fine" she tells me.

I left the guest room after saying goodnight, she even asked for a hug which I quickly gave. Now as I  made my way to my room I began yo think about my suggestion. I was definitely thinking about getting a new house. I saw the fear she had even for the guest room and I didnt like it. I wanted her happy not afraid. I knew she would feel bad if she knew so I needed to find a way to need to buy a new property.

By the end of the night I had come to several possibilities.
1. I destroy my apartment
2. We move for work
3. I claim the apartment is haunted

All were terrible ideas but I couldnt think of any good reasons apart from Avery being terrified to enter her own bedroom. Maybe I was overreacting though, she would need time to adjust and then she wouldnt be as scared. Maybe my best option was to wait and let Avery come to me. If she wanted to move then I would look for a new place.

I decided to put moving out on hold for a while, I didn't want to force Avery into moving if she didnt want to. I quietly made my way to my room and after doing my nightly routine I collapsed onto my bed. I really was tired.

I woke up around 3am because I heard a soft knock at my door. At first I was confused and was ready to grab my gun and shoot whoever dared to disturb me from my sleep but those thoughts soon disappeared when I remembered Avery. "Come in" I say sitting up. She quietly enters and i turned on the lamp, the first thing i notice was the tears that were still running down her face. Fuck. "Avery what happened" I ask concerned about what had caused this even if I did have a pretty good idea. Garrows.
"Please dont leave me" she whispered.  I wasnt expecting that. "Sweetheart I'm never going to leave you. Not now,  not ever" I reassure, I was so close to telling her but she burst out crying. My main priority was comforting her not telling her I was her father. "Sweetheart its going to be ok, would you like to tell me what caused this" I say. "Garrows, he did stuff and when you find out you will leave" fuck. I'd never leave her. It didnt suprise me though that 'he did stuff' as she loosely put it. She had told me back when we first met what those fosters did to her and it made me sick. I would be tracking them all down and putting a bullet between their eyes. "Sweerheart, you already told me what those sick fucks did to you, I'm still here. Im never leaving you" I reassure. She nodded, I hope she believed me. "Can I uh sleep only if you are 100% ok with it but sleepinyourroom" she was beyond nervous.  I was unsure how to approuch this situation.  I wanted to be there for her but i didnt know if this was an ok thing to do. But it's not like I would do anything to her, shes just very emotional right now and needs comfort and I wouldn't be a very good parent if I denied her comfort but was this it cant be because I just want to comfort her nothing more. 
"Ok Avery, can you wait outside just while I put some clothes on" I say, I was still wrapped in my duvet so all she could currently see was my face and top of chest. I was wearing boxer shorts however I knew it would be incredibly inappropriate for her to be in the same bed whilst I only had them on. "O..ok" she whispers looking at me in fear? What the fuck. "I am wearing shorts underneath,  I just want to put more clothes on" I reassure when I realize that my lack of clothes was the problem. I notice her breath a sigh of relief and the fear disappears.  "Ok" she mubles and leaves my room.

I quickly go to my closet and pull on some joggers and a tshirt. I was still hesitant about this but I felt better being fully clothed. I guess my main problem was I still wasnt aware of what a parent can and cant do. I got the basics and everything but this sort of stuff was a mystery to me along with so much more, for example girl problems.  I knew she was at that age but what happens when it's that time of month, do I talk to her about it? Do I let her get on with it? Do I buy her chocolate?  Another example would be boyfriends. I knew I would have to deal with that soon because of Nathan. But how the hell do I approach it, I certainly didnt like him but he seemed like a decent kid. Do I talk to her about the dangers of having a boyfriend? Do I talk to her about pregnancy? The pill? Protection? 

I was a mess and my thoughts began spiralling. I had to snap out of it. She wanted comfort nothing more. I shouldnt even be thinking about the other stuff. She was only 15, there is no chance she would do it at that age. But the other problem was quite real, maybe she needed a mother?

No. It was Avery and I. I didnt want anyone else. I decided to ignore these thoughts and went and invited her back in. She hugged me tight as we entered. "You look exhausted,  let's get some rest" I tell her, she quickly agreed and soon we laid in bed, I decided it would be best for her to wrap herself in the duvet and I would sleep on top of the sheets instead of under in. I wanted to make this as appropriate as possible but I couldnt resist putting my arm around her when she rested her head on my chest.

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