chapter 47

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"So why am I here, what do you gain" I ask, I was starting to feel like a parrot always repeating myself but I never got an answer, if he had just given me one then I would stop asking.

Its friday evening now and he had a doctor come who declared me to be on bed rest, I didnt stay in bed though because the hospital had discharged me because I was fine. So basically I wasnt allowed to leave the house.  something definitely didnt feel right. The man who I found out was called Toby barely spoke to me. He was a yes and no type of guy.
"I'm doing a favour for a friend" he spoke and I jump back to reality, had I misheard him, had he actually told me. But then the fear creeps up. What favour? What friend? He obviously didnt want me around so why would he agree. "Yes if you must know, I have a friend who wants to see you and the only way hes able is for you to be placed in my care" he explained,  this seemed thought out and planned but somehow I doubt Toby knew what he was doing.

I started to wonder who his friend could be and and I felt my chest clam up as I thought about him. It couldnt be Garrows, could it? "Why does your friend want to see me" I ask trying to get more information out of him whilst hes in a sharing mood. "Not s clue, I'm a business man I got paid well for this" he really didnt care about anything other than business and money. "So what's your friends name" I ask trying not to have a go at him. "Elliot Garrows" he shrugged and walked out of the room.

No. This cant be happening. How could he do this. I needed to get out of here now. I knew calling Matthew was a option, thankfully he gave me the 2nd phone as my phone had conveniently broken.
By that I mean Toby came into my room told me I should sleep and I could have my phone in morning, I had reluctantly agreed and handed it him, he nodded and as he walked out he accidentally dropped it causing it to crack "sorry I'll get it fixed" he had said and that was it, I'd not seen my phone again.

As soon as I used the 2nd phone, matthew was angry because he realized i had my phone taken away but it also meant he would check in on me 3 times a day, morning, noon and night. I appreciated it and as I ran to my room I realized how lu my I was for Matthew and Lydia to care about me still.
I packed a small backpack full of clothes. I took out my phone to message Matthew to pick me up from town knowing I couldnt wait till he got here. I had to leave now. I stopped before I sent it as i realized this was a way to end it all. Garrows would be caught and Toby would no longer be my guardian because of the danger he put me in.  With that in mind I change the message.
A- hi Matthew so I found out why Toby wanted me. He owed a favour to a friend who wants to see me

I waited for a response, I was nervous and honestly glad I wasnt in the same room because I've seen Matthew angry and I was always scared of him when he was like that however something told me he wasnt just going to be angry, he would go ballistic when he finds out. He finally replied and dread filled me. Hopefully it goes well but I didnt have high Hopes.
M-what friend
I waited for a response for a few minutes but instead he calls. I couldn't answer incase Toby saw. So instead I declined which prompted a string of messages from Matthew
M-get out of there Avery
    - I'm coming for you
    -Avery please reply.
    - are you ok
I quickly reply so he doesnt go into panic mode.  I hoped he would agree to the plan.
A-well I packed my bag and was going to but I realized this us a great chance. I know you want him found and now he will be coming here you can get him and I will be taken from Toby

He sees it but doesnt reply. I guess he was thinking about it and the more I waited, the more anxious I got.
Just as he responded I heard Toby call "get down Avery, we have a visitor" even though he didnt specify who the visitor was I knew it wad him. 
A- get here quick, hes here
M- on my way. Get out, the plan its not worth it
A- hes the reason Elijah is pretty much dead, I need to confront him.

I shove my phone back under the matress and head downstairs.  I was right, it was him and he was smirking like he had won but I wouldnt let him.
This was going to end today.


Fuck. I cant believe that fucker took Avery to give her to Garrows. I'm gonna kill them both. First my son and now my granddaughter.  Not a chance was I letting him get away. I hated Averys plan, i hated knowing she was in danger and when she told me he was there I freaked out. I couldnt have her hurt. When she first said her plan I figured I'd put Elijah's men stationed around the house but now I couldnt because he was there. She was in danger.
I grabbed my keys and phone and pretty much ran down the stairs. Lydia was thankfully at the hospital,  she didnt need to deal with all this. I call  Parker, he was a weapons expert "Parker you and 20 men go to the address I'm sending you. Its Garrows, we finally have him" I order getting in the car as I send him a location. "Got it, we are on our way" he says and I hang up.

That fucker is not going to se sunlight again. He will pay for his actions. Just hang in Avery, we are coming.

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