chapter 86

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He believed me. I didn't think he would but he did. When I woke up everything was blurry and I had realized all I wanted in that moment was my dad. I had wanted the old him, the one I had ice-cream with and movie nights.
He was here and for once I felt safe, even if a few hours ago I was scared of him.

The doctor came in a few minutes after I told him what had been going on and he smiled when he saw I was awake. "Hello Avery, has your dad explained your injuries to you" I shake my head and he nods and proceeds to tell me about the bruises, fractures and broken ribs I had sustained. "So I just want to run a few tests and hopefully you will be ok to go home" he says but before I can agree Elijah speaks "what kind of tests" he asks. "Just movement tests, I'll leave the who was responsible for this down to you"  Elijah nodded with a dark look in his eyes and the doctor began asking me questions, mainly to see if I could move different body parts and most importantly walk. I noticed  Elijah watching him very carefully. Especially when he went to look at my ribs, Elijahs gaze never faultered as he stared at the doctor. "All seems to be ok, I suggest you walk as less as possible and of course no heavy lifting"  he said and I nodded "thank you doctor" he smiles at my words. "So doc about her not walking, should I have her in a downstairs bedroom" I was confused by this as his home didn't have a downstairs bedroom. "You don't have downstairs bedrooms" I point out and he nods "I'll buy a bungalow" he says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
Just how rich was he.
"I don't think that's neccasary, she will be fine in a few weeks"
"You're absolutely right, I'll just have a lift put in" he said like it was the most normal thing to do.
The doctor looked at him like he was crazy, which I was starting to think he was. "why not put me in a wheelchair too while your at it" I mumble as a joke but he heard and he smiled like I had just said the greatest thing ever "great idea, we will get you a automatic one" he said and I glared at him which caused him to laugh. "Of course we could just skip the wheelchair" he stated and I nod.

After finishing the conversation with the doctor, we were heading home.  Only when we went out the hospital did I notice we were actually in a house. I gulped seeing all the men and women walking around, most with guns and knives strapped to them. I guess we were in his gang house, no gang mansion. This place was huge. "Boss whilst you're here can you come take a look at some of the files" a man said appearing in front of us.  Elijah put his arm around me protectively and glared at the man "I'm not here on business,email them and I'll look at them later" he said and the man nodded "it's about the vipers, you asked for us to look into them" and it seemed Elijah was now interested as he looked conflicted as to whether he should go look. I decided to help him out. "I'll be fine down here if you want to go look" he still looked conflicted but eventually nodded. "Where is Gabbi" he asked and suddenly a woman with long brown hair looking way to normal to be here came out of a room. "I thought I heard that stone cold voice of yours Eli" she said and Elijah rolled his eyes "always a pleasure Gabriella" and she smirked "too damn right it is, you should be thankful that I'd even entertain a peasant like you" she said and Elijah gave her a little glare but it was obvious it was a playful glare. "Remind me again who pays you" he asked and a defeated look passes her face. "Wait till I overthrow you" she said and Elijah laughed "when you even come close to doing that I'll give you the mafia willingly" he said and she smirked "deal" he rolled his eyes and then his playfulness vanished, he went back to being serious "is max here" he asks and she nods "he's in the kitchen eating" and he nods then turns to me. "Will you be ok with max for about 30 minutes. If not we will go now. It's completely up to you" I think for a minute before answering him "max is fine" after all I did trust max.
"I can take her" Gabbi offered and I inches myself away not wanting another Jess situation. "It's ok Gabbi I'll take her" Elijah said, his hand found its way to my hair and he stroked it. "Oh ok. Well I'm going back to the kitchen so I'll come with you"

When we got in the kitchen, Max was sat eating food. It looked like a combination of different foods and he was just eating it like it would dissapear any second. He turned to us and when his eyes met me his look hardened. I gulped and again backed into Elijah.
"Why is she here Elijah" he asks standing up. "She was...injured. I just brought her here so I could deal with the injury without having the cops accuse me of child abuse and get social services to take her away" he said and Max looked at me with concern and worry "what happened, is she ok. Why isn't she still in bed" his questions didn't stop and it was obvious Elijah had, had enough "stop. We will talk later, I need you to watch Avery whilst I go look at files. I don't want her to leave your sight. If I see a hair out of place you're going to pay, you both will" and Max nodded "of course" with hesitancy Elijah left but when I say hesitant I mean he didn't let go of me at first.
"Sooooo Avery, spill the tea" Gabbi said as soon as Elijah left.
"The tea" I ask and she looks at me like I've gone insane.
"You know the tea, like anything about Elijah that you think he would hate for me to know. Anything embarrassing. I'm almost out of things to tease him about" she explained and Max rolled his eyes. "We all grew up together and Gabbi has this weird way of saying insulting things yet not getting in trouble" max said as he started eating again. "Yeah he's right. I didn't mean anything back there. Its just harmless teasing" Gabbi said and smiled at me. "Why don't you take a seat, I'll make you something that's a little more appetizing than Max's food"

The next half hour was spent max eating his food and Gabbi telling me all about Elijah s embarrassing moments, Max would say something every now and then but it was mostly just Gabbi and I talking. I was still very wary of her, Jess was nice at first too.

Out of nowhere Elijah walked in, concern plastered on his face but it vanished as soon as his eyes met with mine. "Thanks for watching her Max and Gabriella" Elijah said and Gabbi glared at Elijah"it's Gabbi" she pointed noted out but Elijah ignored her. "But it annoys you to be called Gabriella so I'm going to stick with it" he stated then turned to me "shall we go" he asked and I nodded. "Goodbye Gabbi, goodbye Max" I say and follow Elijah out.

I think overprotective Elijah was back. Anyone who so much as glanced at us, he would send a deadly glare back

No matter how protective Elijah was, I still liked it. I liked feeling cared for, feeling lived, feeling happiness.

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