chapter 29

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He knocked on the front door of his parents house, no mansion. When he drove up the drive I was in shock and amazed by it, there was tons of land and all was well kept, not a single bit of grass was overgrown. The house itself was grand yet modern, after we got out of the car it seemed as if we were in a courtyard with a beautiful fountain in the middle.
"You're here" the man who I knew as his father from when he walked into the apartment that day answered the door.
"Yep, Avery this is my dad" he introduced and his dad smiled at me "I'm sorry for our previous meeting of course I wish we had met under different circumstances so let's use this evening as a redo. Yes?" He spoke and I nod not trusting my voice. "Great both of you come in. I do apologise in advance for how hectic it's going to get" he said directing the last part at me. "Its ok" i manage which makes his smile grow. He led us inside  and it was just as grand inside. The deco was elegant and modern but also expensive. "Sweetheart, Elijah and Avery are here" his dad called loudly. Not even a minute later a woman came dashing out of a room wearing a apron, her hair was brown but with a few grey strands, she had a warm smile as she quickly approached  us. "You must be Avery, it's so good to finally meet you" she said and pulled me into a hug, I quickly hug back, not wanting to be rude. "Your so pretty, I can already tell we are going to get along" she gushed. "Thanks err.." I trail off not knowing her name. "Lydia, but you can call me gran if you want or grandma or lyd. Anything really" she rambled. "Mum" elijah said in a some what warning tone. "Hush Elijah" she said waving him off. "Dont mind him, now elijah didnt say but do you have any food allergies, is there anything you dont like. I didnt know what you liked so I made a bunch of stuff" she said which warmed my heart, i felt wanted. "No all food is good" i say, truth was i didnt really know  i hadnt tried alot of food. "That's great. Do you want to follow me to the kitchen and we can get to know each other" she asked, I looked over to Elijah and he gave me an encouraging smile "sure" I reply and she looks so happy "great follow me flower" she said and I couldnt help  the fear crept up. Just that pet name itself caused fear. It was stupid. Elijah sensed my fear, probably because I took a step back and crashed into him. "You ok" he whispered. "He used to call me that" I whisper back, only telling him so I didnt seem as stupid as I probably did now. "Mum dont call her flower" he said in a authoritative tone. "Oh hun I'm sorry if I upset you" his mum said and i put on a smile "it's ok, I'm fine let's go" 

We went to the kitchen, elijah went somewhere with his dad. I asked if I could help but she didnt let me, instead she asked questions, mainly about school, favourite food and colour. It was nice to spend time like this.
Was this what a family was like?

The food was finally ready and she told me to go tell everyone to head to the dining room, apparently everyone was in the living room. I had no clue where it was but I presumed it must be on this floor. Luckily as I walked the corridors I heard talking so I followed it to a room. I decided to knock, just incase there was a knocking rule. "Come in Avery" I heard elijah call. I slowly walked in "you don't have to knock" he told me and I nod. "Lydia said dinner was ready" I say and i notice max in the corner of the room, he got up "food" he shouted. "Avery this is my sister Em and her daughter Maisey" elijah told me, ignoring Max and introducing me to the two girls in the room.
"Nice to meet you both" I say and em is the first to speak "likewise" Maisey doesnt follow her mums lead though and remained quiet.
"Let's go  Avery, you can sit next to me" max says walking up to me, he grabs my hand so we held each others as he led me to the dining room.

Surprisingly dinner ran smoothly. There was a light conversation going on, I listened unless got asked a question, which was frequently.  After some time lydia stood "I'll clear the plates" she said, it made me feel bad she was doing all the work. "can I help" I ask,  she thinks for a second or so before nodding "sure just get some plates and follow me to the kitchen" she told me and I nod. I was about to do it until em spoke "maisey will help too"

Maisey didnt look to happy but she picked up some plates and like me she followed lydia into the kitchen. "Thank you girls, just go put them in the sink I'm gonna go ask if anyone wants a cofeee" lydia said. "Do you want me to start washing up" I ask, lydia seems surprised by my question "you don't have to" she tells me. "But I want to" I reply and she reluctantly agrees to let me wash up.
She leaves telling us she will be back in a few minutes.
"Why are you here" maisey asked as soon as she left.
I didnt know how to answer,  I didnt even know why I was here.
She ignored my lack of response "Eli is my uncle, you're just someone who he took pity on" for such a young girl she really did know how to hurt me. "Just go back to where you came from" she told me harshly. "" I reply,  mentally face palming myself for the stuttering. "You dont belong here" she said.
After that it happened so fast. One minute she was being a bully the next I was being shouted at.

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