chapter 100!!

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Soooo I can't believe I have reached 100 chapters. Thank you to everyone who has been here since the beggining and put up with my terrible and confusing writing. I had a great idea for this chapter but that means ending it.  However I might make this into a few parts.


It's been a month since I gave up asking about Xanders secret. I had come to the decision, I would ask when I was positive. I was aware a secret was meant to be kept secret but I was worried for Xander.

Dad was distant quite a bit recently which was weird because whenever he was around he was overly affectionate. He would hug me every time he saw me, he kept feeding me my favourite foods and he kept a close watch over me when he was around. It was weird how he would leave for long periods of time and act like nothing had happened. I suspect he's just out doing crime. I hated how casual I thought of it. I should be scared, I should hate him for being a criminal big I wasn't, I couldn't hate him. Besides he was the best dad and even though he never denied my criminal jokes, in fact he often admitted to being a criminal, not out right but along the lines. I didn't care though, he was my dad.

At least he wasn't in some petty gang or worse mafia. (Just you wait Avery)

I decided to get out of bed, after all Dad had told me we were going to be busy today. Well that was last night so I guess it depends on his mood today. I got dressed into a casual outfit.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Like expected dad was there "Avery you're early" he exclaimed and put a  plate of food on the counter, he then quickly wrapped his arms around me. I hugged him back. "We are going to have the best day. I'm going to make up for all th days I've missed" he says and I was even more confused. "It's august 10th baby, your birthday" he said and my eyes widened. I was 16!

"Oh my god, dad I'm 16" I pretty much shouted and hugged him tighter. After everything that had happened my birthday didn't even cross my mind.
"Yes and I promise it's going to be great. Now eat up"

The smile never left my face as I began eating. I had never celebrated my birthday before. I could tell I was already going to enjoy it.


I had been panicking all week. It was her birthday and I had no idea what to get my Princess. It had to be special. I had missed 15 1/2 years of her life. I wasn't about to do that again so I made sure to keep a close eye on was her 16th too, not only did I have to make it special because this would be our first together but also because it was her 16th.
She seemed to only just realize when I told her and the grin never left her face. I had the day all planned out.
This morning it would be just Avery and I.
This afternoon we would visit my family and she would open whatever presents they got her and we would have a family meal.
Tonight she would go out and party with her friends.I was reluctant about letting her party with her friends but my mum and sister reassured me all 16 year olds party. I had spoken to Beth's, Nathan's, Alec's, Martha and Matt's parents about it and they all were happy to let there children go out. Of course on the condition there was no alcohol. I had reluctantly told Xander too, I couldn't inform his parents though, they couldn't know our kids were friends.

I was sad knowing my baby was all grown up. All the moment that I should have been there for, I wasn't. I never was so if partying with her friends made her happy then so be it .

"Dad this is....this is" she started as I led her into the living room. God she didn't like it, I should have gone for a different colour, or size. "It's amazing" she hugs me with excitement.

"Thank you, thank you" she says, looking at it all

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"Thank you, thank you" she says, looking at it all."you are welcome sweetheart, I just wish I could have done more" I reply and she gives me a "are you crazy" look "it's perfect dad, I love everything" all I can think of is how I missed 15 other birthdays, I nodded I missed the excitement.

"Dad" she says but her tone wasnt excitement, instead it seemed as though she was on edge, hesitant even. "Yes baby" I reply. Did I make a mistake with the balloons, maybe she didn't like the bear. "May I, err, well can I open presents" she nervously asked. Why would she ask? They are for her. "Of course" I reply feeling a new type of anxiety. I didn't know what to get her so I got her a few things.
I hope she likes them.
I got her a few books, few clothes, perfume. Each one she opened and the big smile on her face made me want her to have a birthday every day.
We were down to the last two presents, which I told her would be best to open last. They were the ones that I thought were more special.

She opened the first one, a music box, which I had customer made. I had it enscribed with words and had  custom music which was a tune from a lullaby I used to sing. I was quite proud of th idea if I'm honest.

She turned to me, tears filled her eyes "I love it dad" she whispered and hugged me

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She turned to me, tears filled her eyes "I love it dad" she whispered and hugged me. I kept her in my arms refusing to let go.
After a few minutes she spoke "you have to let me go" I reluctantly did. She opens the last gift, another custom made gift.
"It more to write down your thoughts and feelings but you can write anything" I tell her as she reads what it says with teary eyes"thoughts and feelings sound good" she mumbles and I smile "just know that whatever the thoughts and feelings are, I love you and everytime you are sad and writing a sad thought, look at the words and know that every word is truth"

"It more to write down your thoughts and feelings but you can write anything" I tell her as she reads what it says with teary eyes"thoughts and feelings sound good" she mumbles and I smile "just know that whatever the thoughts and feelings are, I ...

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She hugged me again "best birthday ever" she said to herself quietly, I heard but decided not to comment on it. "I thought this morning we could watch a movie and then go to this place" I suggest. "what place" she asks as I predicted. "It's a suprise sweetheart, now why don't you pick a film"


Did I mention I had the best dad ever, ok maybe I did several times but seriously I couldn't believe the last two presents he got me. Sure I loved all the presents but the last two were my favourite purely because they were custom. I hated how I couldn't tell him I loved him. After all this time I was still afraid to tell him. I looked around the room as the film played. He had put so much effort in. No one had ever done anything lik this for me before.  From the little I can remember, not even my mother but this much effort in. Her way of celebrating was to leave me alone for a day but the beatings always got worse the day after. The only reason I remember is because the pain I felt was like an invisible scar.

I looked over at dad and saw he was watching the film with a massive smile. I couldn't help but smile too. I slowly got closer to him and he noticed and put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder.

The long awaited chapter is finally out. Hopefully will get part 2 written soon. I was going to continue but I wanted to keep this chapter cute and just Avery and Elijah. Let me know what you all think.

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