chapter 41

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Time kept passing and everyone began to move on with their lifes, of course his family, friends and I visited everyday. I dont think he was ever alone long. It had been 2 weeks since I told the principle about Elijah and nothing had changed. I went to school, I got picked up, I went to the hospital then left with his parents. It was repetitive but I would do it for the rest of my life if I had too.

Today was like any other day, I had just stepped out as the doctor arrived to do tests.  I took this as an opportunity to go get something from the cafe. I knew elijah would want me to eat so I couldnt skip. I couldnt let him wake up to find I wasnt taking care of myself.
I arrived at the cafe and quickly got myself a meal deal. It wasnt much but it would last me. I made my way back to the floor Elijah was on and just as I was about to turn the corner I heard the doctors speak.
"I just checked on Mr West" one said. This caused me to stop and listen in. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but I had to know. No one really told me anything.
"No change I presume" a different person said.
"No none. The family want to keep him on life support, I think it's time we move him from this unit" the doctor spoke.
"What about the girl, Avery" 
"We will move him when she leaves. Poor kid" the doctor said and I felt my heart collapse into itself. I couldnt breath. Everything began spinning and I felt numb. No. They couldnt give up. What chance did he have if the doctors gave up. I tried to steady my breathing but nothing was working. 
I started seeing black spots but before darkness took over I heard someone curse.

I was surrounded by darkness but in the distance I could make out a figure "hello" I called and the figure turned to look at me. It was Elijah. I ran towards him and hugged him only he didnt high me back "elijah what's wrong" I ask feeling sad that he didnt return my hug. "You're the reason I'm practically dead. It's all your fault. I should never have gone to the orphanage. I was stupid enough to take you in. You are a burden to my family and I" he spat harshly. Tears began to fall as I realized how right he was. Before either one of us could say anything the darkness turned into light.

My eyes snapped open and I was laid in a hospital bed. I look to my right and see both Mathew and Lydia in tears. Then the events what happened came back. It was all in my head. Although even if that was my subconscious talking I knew it was tight. Elijah wouldnt be here if it wasnt for me.  I try to ignore that thought though and pull my attention towards Lydia and Matthew.  "Hi" I whisper.  Their heads turn to me and seconds later thry pull me into a loving hug. "Oh sweetie, we thought we lost you too" lydia said. "Dont scare us like that again " Matthew continued. "I cant promise" I reply making him chuckle. "Wheres Elijah, they havent taken him have thry" I say in a panicked tone. "No. We told them to hold off until someone else needs that bed however this hospital is huge so it wont be happening any time soon especially since we are in the private section" matthew explained and I nod feeling relieved "thank god" I say and try to get out of bed. I had to see him. Before I could a Doctor walked in. "I wouldnt do that if I was you" I cautiously stop and sit back in bed. "Is she ok Doctor " lydia asked. The doctor nodded "yes but shes way to stressed, she also needs sleep. We would like to keep her overnight for observation if that's ok with you both" he spoke, they looked hesitant but nodded. "Great, get some rest Avery. Mr and Mrs West, if you follow me we can talk further about your son and the options available" he said. It seemed to annoy his parents just like it annoyed me. "The only option we are taking is him being on life suppirt" his dad spoke coldly. "Yes well if you follow me we can talk more" the doctor became nervous. "We will be back" lydia said before they both followed him from the room.
I didnt mind being here over night, I could finally stay with Elijah overnight. I always hated leaving him at night, today was the same. I wished I could stay here every night but unfortunately I couldnt.
I let out a yawn but didn't dare sleep afraid of another nightmare. Just great. I had to face reality and soon. Elijah may never wake up and there comes a time where the lige support will have to stop. I wadnt ready to let him go just yet even if he was gone.

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