chapter 76

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It has been a month now and things had gotten worse yet better.
Jess had gotten worse. I still haven't told Elijah because he was happy and I didn't want to be the reason. He asked me last week if everything was ok and I was about to tell him but when I saw his smile fall, I didn't want him to worry, to be unhappy.
I had put him through do much, he deserved love even if it was with Jess.

Xander and I had started to hang out more alone and although Elijah still refused to call him Xander, he was starting to be more civil with him. I think he was kind of impressed that Xander didn't cower away.
I told Xander the biggest lie and it had just spireled from there.
I told him Jess apologized , she didn't realize she grabbed me so hard and that it was a one time thing... only it wasn't.
Jess was manippative and honestly a bitch.
She was clever with what she did, I'll give her that but I hated her.
She constantly verbally abused me when Elijah wasn't in the room.
I dared to back talk her a few times and each time I was met with her fist.
I knew telling Elijah would end this but that would be selfish of me.

"Elijah can I go out with Xander" I ask wanting to go out before Jess came. He was currently on the sofa with his laptop doing paperwork. He looked up as I spoke and when I mentioned Xander his scary look returned. "No" and then he returned his focus to his laptop. This annoyed me. I thought we were past all this. "Why not" I ask not liking his anwser. "Because Avery you are spending to much time with him, he is a bad influence. Besides Jess wants to spend time as a family" he explains not even looking up.

Did I mention I had the most annoying dad ever.
God he pissed me off.
"Are you really calling him a bad influence,you have no room to talk especially with your dodgy activities. And Jess isn't family" my voice was raising after every word.
"I don't bring my shit around you though do I. How dare you say Jess isnt family, after everything she's done for you. She only wants what's best for you, even if you refuse to accept her. She's here to stay. Get used to it" he was shouting by the end of it and the fear crept back up as I took a step back. "I'm not going to fucking hurt you so stop cowering" he said and rolled his eyes. "Maybe if you didn't speak to me like that, I wouldn't" I retort and his glare hardens. He turns back to his work without saying anything so I take this as an opportunity to leave and go to my room.

"After everything I've done" I hear him mumble before I walk out.

This made me feel bad, he had done so much for me and I'd treated him like crap. But then he was bring unfair.
I just had to ignore the guilt.
I made it upstairs when I heard Jess talking to Elijah. She was here.  I wonder where dad keeps his guns?

I decide to eavesdrop when I hear my name mentioned.

"I don't know what to do with her Jess"
"What happened"
"She doesn't realize her new friend is dangerous, I hate fighting her but I can't let her hang round someone like him"
"How do you know he's dangerous"
"Because I had someone I know do a background check"
Ok that shocked me. It also meant Xander wasn't as good as I thought.

God this was such a mess. Everything was. I hated this. I practically ran to my room and i finally let the tears fall.

How stupid could I be to let another guy into my life.

There was a knock at my door. No doubt Elijah was coming to tell me to go downstairs so we can play happy family.
"Come in dad" I say after wiping my tears. Only it wasn't him, it was Jess.

"Your dad is out, getting the takeout. I offered to have a girly chat with you about Xander" she said coming closer.


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