chapter 14

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I was concerned throughout the meeting, after the quick chat with Avery I was worried. Then as the meeting was almost over my dad called and told me to come home. I left instantly and was panicking. What had happened.

Now as I read what she had written, i realize i could never have predicted this. I dont kill kids but I sure as hell want to make an exception for this pathetic kid. As for this kyle, I'm mixed feelings about him, he seems ok yet he was a bully, he hurt her too and nothing can exuse his behaviour. Aubrey, well shes just a bitch and I'm considering making an exception for her too. She saw no problem in what isaac was about to do. If kyle hadnt been there, no one would have stopped isaac.
"I really did try to stop him" I hear her soft voice say.
"I know hun, i know" i pull her into a hug and she hugs back. Her hugs were the best. I knew when she hugged me when i walked in that something was wrong.
"You still want me" she asked and I smile, this morning since ed was a family friend, the paper work was there and the evidence, I had gotten custody of her. She was my child officially. She no longer belonged to the state. "Yes, always" I say, I was to scared to tell her i was her father incase she wouldnt accept me and so I decided to leave it for tonight. "Avery hun, do you want to involve the cops" I ask knowing I had to ask, I would much rather kill him. "I dont want to speak in court or anything like that" she says and I nod "sign this and I can see about you not doing that" I hand her back the paper and she quickly signs. "I dont want to go back to school" she states. As if I'd even let her back. "I wasnt planning on sending you back" I tell her and she smiles "maybe a different school though, a better one" I suggest but right now I was considering getting her a tutor and having her home schooled. "Ok, maybe we can look" she says and I nod "of course, not now though, you need to eat your icecream before it melts" I say and she smiles widely. "Ok can we watch tv too" and I grab the remote and turn the tv on "press this to change the channel, stop whenever you see something you like" I tell her and hand it her. She scrolls for a bit before her eyes land on toy story.

We sat and watched it, during the film she moved closer and we were now cuddled up on the sofa.
The song you got a friend in me came on and she began to hum along which made me smile.
"If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you" I sing along on that part, looking at her. It was true. I would do everything and anything for her.
She seems to realize I was singing to her "you sing well" and I chuckle at her response. "Thank you, just know its true" I tell her suddenly missing how I was stolen the chance to sing her to sleep as she grew up. "Thanks" she whispers and we get back to watching the film. I notice she had fallen asleep by the end of it. I know that once she has gained weight and gotten her strength back she won't fall asleep as much but it still concerned me. "Avery hun, you need to wake up" I say it pained me to wake her up but she needed to eat and change her clothes. "But I dont want to" she says and I chuckle as she grabs my arm, stopping me from getting up. "Fine 10 minutes but then I gotta make dinner and you gotta get changed into your pyjamas" I tell her.

Well 10 minutes didnt work out. It's been an hour and I just woke up, she was still sleeping and I found it adorable, I grabbed my phone from the side and quickly took a picture of her before putting it down. I decided it was best to let her sleep and I'll make us a quick dinner, she hadnt eaten much of the icecream so I picked it up along with the spoon and carefully got up, luckily I managed to get up without waking her. I made my way slowly to the kitchen and put the icecream back in the freezer. I looked through the cupboards thinking about what to make, something quick and easy and hopefully healthy. I eventually decided on grilled cheese, not particularly healthy but it was quick. I made two grilled cheesed sandwiches for myself and one for her, I knew she wouldn't be able to eat two as her stomach had shrunk so much. Once ready I go back to the living room, only shes not there. Fuck. I begin to panic, thinking the worst. I quickly make my way to her room hoping shes there. "Avery hun, dinner is ready" I say after knocking. I didnt like to enter incase she was changing even though she had a closet and bathroom she may prefer changing in her room as it's less closed off. "I'm here" I turn around and see she had infact changed, she is now in some pyjamas. "I woke up as soon as you got up" she says nervously which I found cute. "So I went and showered and changed" she said and I nod "grilled cheese is for dinner, hope you like" I say and she smiles wisely "I've never had it but everyone says it's good, I can't wait to try" and that right there broke my heart. She was denied basic things, basic foods, everything. If only I had found her sooner, if only her mother didnt run away with her.

We went and sat on the kitchen stools and ate she seemed to really enjoy it and i couldnt help but smile, just simple things like eating dinner together made me happy.
"Elijah" she says getting my attention
"Yeah hun" I reply. "Thank you" she told me making me feel guilty. She had no reason to thank me, I hadnt been there for her when she needed me. "You have no reason to thank me" I tell her but she looks at me with sadness "I do though, if it werent for you showing up that day everything would have been worse" she says. "You know it's only been a couple days" I tell her. "Yes, it was the weekend though, that's when the pain is the worst. These few days have been the best" she says. I notice that she looked tired. I hate how she was starved. So I got up and guided her to her room whilst we continued the conversation. "The best" I question. "Yep the best, I've had icecream for the first time and grilled cheese, oh and pizza" she says. "So just the food that makes it the best" I tease as she climbs into bed, I'm stood in the door frame. "No, you made it the best too, can I have a hug before I sleep, it's ok if you dont wanna, I understand" she nervously says and I think my heart just melted. She was adorable. I was straight to her bed and hugged her tight. I just wish I wasnt so scared to tell her.
Like I was scared of what her reaction would be, would she hate me for not finding her sooner. I didnt want to ruin it especially as things were so good right now.
"Goodnight da..elijah" she said.
Wait. Was she just about to call me dad. Ok dont freak out. Dont mention it, she obviously said it by mistake.
"Goodnight hun" I say and walk out.
I was beyond thrilled at what just happened, she nearly called me dad!!
I decided that when she finally accepted me as a dad then I will tell her I am, that way I'm not forcing her to accept me as her dad and call me dad before she is ready.

The happiness didnt last long though as I knew I had to handle a certain situation that occurred today. I wouldnt be killing them, as much as I wished too but I will be sending some of my men after them and digging up any dirt possible.

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