chapter 67

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So before this chapter starts I just want to say thank you for all the comments. I'm going to make Avery a little tougher but still keep her quite childish. She already is quite closed off with new people so I will keep this somewhat the same.
And regarding the Aesthetic comments, Avery isn't getting kidnapped.  Once I've finished the part in the story I will explain the pictures and why I used them  although it will probably be quite clear.
So what you all know so far is the following:
•Avery gets hit by ? A person who can't be revealed
•Elijahs torture room is going to be involved at some point
•Avery will feel alone at some point
•The line "don't put me in a position where I have to show how cold hearted I am" will be said by Elijah
•Eli gets a gf

Also what you may not know but I can tell you is Elijah is going to become less 'icecream and hugs' and more 'dont mess with me/ I'll torture you till there is nothing left of you physically and mentally'

Also from the comments alot of you have figured out this next chapter (Avery going back to the orphanage). This chapter won't really show violence so on with the chapter.


This can't be happening. Why the fuck does she want to go back there. I won't let her. I'm her legal guardian, I won't take her back."no" I simply say and place the food I had made on the table for her before walking out. I was annoyed and I didn't want to get angry in front of her, something I was sure I'd do if I didn't leave.
"You can't stop me, I need to do this Elijah" she followed me making me stop walking. I slowly turned to her and I must have had the 'dont fuck with me' face on because I saw a glimpse of fear but before I could tell her I wouldn't hurt her the expression went away. "So I guess now that you told me you're my dad, it means you think you have the right to become a control freak and tell me what to do" she said, did I mention she annoyed me. Well now she has angered me. She wants this to become something more than it should be, well bring it on.
"I don't think that at all. I do however think that it's my job to not let you put yourself in a dangerous environment. Do you really expect me to tell you that you can go back to that hell hole, I saw how you were treated, why the fuck would I let you go back there" I lost it and began shouting. "I need to Eli, why can't you accept that" she argued and I rolled my eyes "you.will. not. go. back. there. ever" I made it clear and she nodded "I can take care of myself, I've been doing it all my life" she whispered with a defeated expression.  This girl will be death of me I swear.
"Great job at doing that, it isn't like you weren't waiting to be locked up over the weekend when I found you" my tone laced in sarcasm but I immediately regret what I said after I see her expression "fuck you" she mumbles before storming off, probably trying to get to her room.

Well fuck. I handled that wrong. She had no right to swear at me like she did. Swearing wasn't allowed and she knew that. "Avery get back here now" I pretty much order with an authoritative tone. She doesn't come back though making my anger worse so instead I make my way to the gym to calm down.

My time is spent punching the punch bags and throwing knives. How I wished I had someone to torture now.


I know it was wrong to swear, but he angered and upset me so much. Why can't he just let me go. It's not like I can't handle myself. His words hurt me, they brought memories of that cupboard back. I look around my room and see everything in it is just the way I want it. From the shelves position on the wall to the colour of the cushions. I had everything here but now that he told me he was my dad he had started to change, will he always be this  strict. I guess he isn't hurting me...but would he. I know Maisey got in trouble and Max disciplined her so this family wasn't strongly against it. I trust Elijah though even when he's being impossible.


I finally calmed down and decided to talk to Avery, I first go to the kitchen and unfortunately she hasn't eaten. Neither have I so I reheat a plate and quicky eat it.

Avery had to eat and so I had to go get her.

When I reach her room I knock but don't receive a anwser so I decide to risk opening.

I saw her laid on the bed with tears falling fastly down her face. Fuck. I messed up again."Avery I'm sorry, I just can't let you live there again" I say, my tone going back to calm. "Live?" She says looking up at me and I nod "yeah" I confirm and she gives me a amused look. "I told you I didn't want to live there, I made it clear I didn't. I just want to go there so I can let Eliza know I'm finally
happy and show her she was wrong"

Well fuck, i snapped At her for no reason. I was so caught up in the idea of her going back that my brain never registered the rest of what she said. "I'm sorry Avery I heard you say you want to go back then I completely shut down. I should have listened more. Please forgive me" I say hoping she would understand. She wasn't aware but she was the only one I would ask for forgiveness. "Yeah I forgive you" she said but it was obvious by her tone she was unsure.

"Avery I shouldn't have been so...well the point is my behaviour was disgusting. I shouldn't have spoken to you the way I did. I heard you say you wanted to go back and that was it, I panicked. Avery I know you can take care of yourself and that you have been doing it a long time but you are still a kid. You're my responsibility, I'm the parent, I take care of you. Your biggest worry  should be school but I know how smart you are so even school shouldn't be a worry, I know you have other worries but I want you to come to me with them all, even if it's about a certain boy"  I tell her hoping it did reassure her.

Of course the certain boy was Nathan.  If he ever hurt my little girl he might just find himself in a 'deadly little accident' 
I think it worked because she hugs me and I'm quick to return it. "Well I don't want you to go to his house with a gun" she whispers making me laugh.
Don't worry Avery I'll go with knives instead if you don't want me using guns.

"I would never"

"Well I think he likes me dad, I don't know though because he might just see me as a friend but he's so nice. Wait, I might like him? I can't like him. That wouldn't be good would it. Dad you got to help" she started off telling me about Nathan and ended with freaking out.
Deep down I knew this was something a child would go to their mother for, Max, Em and I all went to our mum whenever we liked someone. Avery doesn't have a mum so I have to be the mum for her. Not that I minded,the more time with Avery the better, I just didn't want her to never forgive me if I end up killing Nathan.

"Ok calm down Hun, If he likes you then he needs to grow a pair and tell you himself. And as for you thinking you like him, it is still early days don't rush into anything"  I advise her, I would have loved to tell her no boyfriends ever but that would be unfair to her. "Ok that's a good idea, I need more time" she agrees. "Yes and the most important advise I'll give you is this. Never and I mean never, chase after a guy. Know your worth. Even if he says one wrong thing, walk away. You are worth more than you think.  If you chase after someone who doesn't like you back they will loose respect for you and hun if he or any other guy doesn't respect you then walk away. And finally if a guy ever lays a hand on you, if he abuses you, even if he says sorry and you love him so you decide to forgive him, you come to me. Day or night. Whether it's 3pm or 3am, whether you're 15 or 35 I want to know"

By the end my little speech she was crying against my chest "thank you dad" was all she said and all she needed to say.

We stayed like this for most of the day, her wrapped in my arms, of course we decided to watch a film so our location changed but it was pretty much the same.

"We will go to the orphanage tommorow together" I tell her just before she could fall asleep.

Goodnight  sweetheart.

This chapter didn't go as planned, they were suppose to go orphanage but I decided to split it up into 2 chapters

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