chapter 72

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"So how was Elijahs girlfriend" Beth asked as we walked out of our last class.
"She seems to be ok, I'm still wary though"  I tell her and she nods "that's great, I mean it's good to be wary after what you have been through" she told me which reassured me I wasn't overreacting.
"So what's going on between you, Nathan and Xander I've seen how they both look at you" she asks and I can feel my cheeks heat up. I was so confused at which one of them I actually liked.
"Well Nathan is super sweet but I think I like Xander better"  I explain and a massive grin makes its way onto her face "that's great, oh my god I definitely think you shouldn't make any decisions just yet, keep them on their toes" I laugh at her response "well I have boxing with them both" just saying it out loud made me realize how  awkward it's going to be. "Jeez no way, why did I not sign up for boxing" she genuinely looked disappointed but before anything could be said Nathan appeared. "You ready for the class" he asked me and I nodded as I shared a look with Beth. "I've got to go, I'll message you later Avery" and she quickly left.

When we arrived at the gym Xander approached us.  He created Nathan and they spoke a little about football before he turned to me "hey Avery, I was thinking let's be partners today" he said it with so much confidence that I just nodded. "If it's ok with you Nathan" I ask not wanting to leave him alone last minute. He looked hesitant but nodded. "If you hurt her i'll break your legs" he whispered, I knew I probably wasn't suppose to hear that but I did and a shudder ran down my spine. Since when was Nathan so violent.

Class continued and after a warm up which was basically stretching and then punching the punch bag we broke out into pairs and began sparing.
"You know if you move your arm like this, you will get a better uppercut but your jabs are great" Xander said as he demonstrated a uppercut in the air. "Like this" I ask trying to copy but failing. "Here let me help you" he offered and walked to a punch bag, I followed not wanting to be left standing alone.

"Punch it" he said and I found myself punching the bag however he soon stops me and stands behind me. I felt his breath hit my neck, he was so close to me that the dark thoughts almost returned "let me correct you" he asked and I nodded, he slowly grabbed just above my waist and repositioned my stance, he then grabbed my arm and pushed it forward so it hit the bag. "carry on doing this, I'll go stand next to the bag" he said taking a step back. He then walked so be was stood oppersite me.

Practise continued and soon the hour and half was up

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Practise continued and soon the hour and half was up. I had managed to perfect  my uppercuts and hooks. "Right class, I will see you all next week, we will work on our upper body strength" the instructor announced as we all started taking off our gloves. "Good practice Avery"  Xander told me and I smiled "thanks for the help Xander" I reply.
Xander and I were sort of friends, we hung out at lunch some times and during free periods but not really alone. He seemed alright but there was a side to him that was hidden.
"We should hang out this weekend" he suggested and I nodded "sure, what do you suggest" I ask and a smirk made its way onto his face "let me suprise you" I found myself agreeing yet again. Even though I was definitely nervous I knew I couldn't let my past dictate my future.

I left the gym and headed outside with Nathan and Xander. My nerves built up as I realized Elijah would be waiting outside. When he Met Nathan that was bad enough. I'm no idiot, I know Xander has a classic bad boy look so I only dread to imagine what he would be like meeting Xander.

"Avery, who is your new friend" oh god. He's here. Stood in front of me was Elijah with his classic 'dont fuck with me' look. "I should go, I'll see you tomorrow" Nathan quickly said and left. Lucky. "This is Xander, Xander this dad" I stop myself from saying Elijah and change it to dad, not wanting to be questioned about it.


I saw Avery leave with Nathan and another boy. So this was Xander. Fuck. At first glance I immediately became protective. He was even worse than Nathan. I quickly approach her not liking her being anywhere near Xander. "Avery , who is your new friend" I ask,knowing full well who he was.  Nathan quickly left and Avery introduced me to Xander, and Xander to me. I couldn't help the smile that formed when she introduced me to her dad. "I see your parents missed a few letters off when they named you" I say holding my hand out for him to shake. "My parents are not really relevent, Mr West" he said and he shook my hand. I decided to push the topic further "I like to know all the names of my daughter's friends even the stupid names "  I say and he glares "Mr West if you are going to criticize me please do it on something I can control. I had no say  in the name given to me" he spoke with so much confidence that I almost was pleasantly surprised. "You're absolutely right, Avery and I have to go, would you like a ride to hot topic, I presume your going to go buy a top that covers you a little a better" he glares at me even more and finally with a eye roll he speaks "nah I'm good  Mr West,  I've got my motorbikd" he produced a set of keys then turned to Avery and said a we quick goodbye and made his way to a helicopter. Hell no. My baby wasn't getting with that piece of crap.
At least I didn't have to worry about Nathan putting Avery in a dangerous situation however with Xander I would be constantly worried.  Nope. My daughter would not get with him. Not s chance.

Xanders first Aesthetic (will add his 2nd as the story goes on)

What are everyone's thoughts on Xander?
And Xander and Avery getting together?

What are everyone's thoughts on Xander? And Xander and Avery getting together?

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