chapter 85

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I was a bad father. There was nothing I could do to make this situation worse. I had upset her and when I came back Jess had told me she left. I couldn't just let her walk all the way to my parents. It was too far to walk alone, anything could happen to her. "I'm going to go look for her" I say putting on my jacket. Jess quickly came to me "she will be ok, let's just go upstairs and have some fun" ugh. She was starting to annoy me "I'm going out" I say and walk out.

I took my phone out and tried to call her, it was a long shot because obviously she didn't want to talk to me.  She didn't anwser and I knew the best and quickest way to find her would be to have my IT people track her phone.

My whole body hurt. Not only had Jess beat me today but this man has dragged me into the alley where he raped me and beat me. Everything hurt, I should have just waited for Elijah.
I heard my phone ring in my pocket but I was too weak to reach for it.
Why was everything always going wrong for me.
I was pathetic. I couldn't even defend myself. I don't deserve to feel happy. I was useless, worthless, I was nothing.

"Avery" I heard a voice shout. It was a man. Oh god, what if he's back. I started to panic as I heard footsteps come closer. I felt hands around me. Not again, no. "No" I panicked and tried to remove myself from his grip. "Fuck. Sshh Avery. It's me. You're safe" the voice was soft and I felt the need to trust the man. "I got you. You're going to be ok Avery" I hear him say, the panic and worry in his voice made me feel cared for. "I'm sorry I wasn't here. Look stay awake for me. You're going to be ok. Just stay with me" I feel my eyes begin to shut as I hear him but I can't stay awake so I let the darkness take me.

She was apparently in a alley which automatically got me worried. Why was she in a alley. Was she hurt? She was only a few blocks away so I pretty much ran to the location. I couldn't help but think the worse but when I finally got to the location I could never have prepared for what I saw.


My little girl was laid curled up in the alley, beaten and bruised. I swear I will kill whoever did this too her. She was barely conscious but I saw her panic when I moved closer. My baby was scared of me.  She panicked and kept repeating no. I kept trying to reassure her but when she passed out I began to panic further. I quickly picked her up. I was debating taking her to the hospital but I knew that would open a child abuse case and she could be taken off me so I was going to take her to the gang house hospital so it could be kept quiet.

I arrived at the gang house in no time. I must have broken at least a dozen traffic laws. I was just thankful it only took me 5 minutes to get back to the house. Once I put her in my car I drove without a thought for anyone else's safety. I just wanted my daughter to be ok.
I picked her up and rushed to the hospital part of the house, I didn't even acknowledge any of my gang. "Get me Dr Carver now" I shout to no one in particular. I see him come rushing out of a room. He takes one look and quickly directs me to a room. I place her gently on the bed not taking my eyes of her for a second. "what happened" he said and I panic. I don't know what happened. Maybe he won't be able to treat her since I don't know. What if she doesn't wake up because I neglected her. It's my fault. I should have been better. "Ok boss, it looks like she passed out from a beating. I will start with x-rays, then blood tests. Don't worry, she will be ok" he said and I nodded. She has to be ok. She just had too.

Few hours later

I was beyond angry. Furious? No that was putting it mildly. Words couldn't describe how angry I was. The doctor had done a full exam on her and I was ready to rip the head of the sick pervert who did this to my little girl.
Results showed 4 broken ribs
Severe bruising around the collar bone, wrists and ankles.
Bruising on her legs
Fracture in her arm
Evidence of rape
The last one had me punching a wall when I found out. I will kill him. I will chop him up into tiny pieces, I will gouch his eyes out.

Non of that was important right now. I will torture him yes but first I needed to make sure Avery was ok. I wasn't going to leave her by herself. So here I was sat on the chair next to the bed with her hand in mine. 

Suddenly I feel her hand leave mine causing me to look at her and I see her looking at me with fear. "you're awake. Thank god. How are you feeling" I say hoping she will calm down. "Dad" she whispers looking at me and I nod "yes sweetheart it's me" I reassure and she bursts into tears. "Don't leave me dad, please don't" she says and I nod "never sweetheart, you're stuck with me" I pull her into a hug and let her cry it out.

After about half an hour she stops but I don't let her go. I couldn't let her go. "Sweetheart I need to know what happened, who did this to you" I finally ask and she starts crying again. " w..won't b... believe" she says through tears. "Of course I will sweetheart. I just need to know" I say trying to convince her.
This confused me as Jess was at mine when Avery left.
"Can you explain why it's Jess, what she did" I ask.
"Shes been beating me. She said earlier that she paid him. She paid him to do it the first time, probably paid him again this time"
What the fuck.
Jess is dead.
First time?
How long has this been going on?
"How long has this been happing for" I ask.
"Since the beggining with Jess, the man he came into the house a little over a week ago" she explains.
"Why didn't you tell me sweetheart" I ask
"You kept believing her, everytime. I didn't want to ruin your happiness. You are happy with her" she cries. Fuck. She actually thought that Jess was my happiness. "No sweetheart. No. You are my happiness. Only you. Sure I liked Jess but I love you sweetheart. You are more important. I just wish you had of told me"

I'm going to kill Jess and  that man of its the last thing I do. No one hurts my daughter and gets away with it. No one.

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