chapter 28

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As I entered my room I felt even more tired. Maybe I could have a little nap first, he did say I should. With that in mind i got into bed. I would wash and dry the dishes after and then tidy my room.

She quickly left after admitting it was about Garrows, making me want to hurt him more, the fact he still haunts her dreams made me feel even more angry.  I decide that instead of going to the warehouse I will work from home. I didnt want to leave when she was in such a bad state and also Rico being around her wasnt ideal. Yesterday I had told my mum about Avery, it was time they knew, it didnt help that my mum was asking daily for me to come round, I figured my brother and dad know so why not tell my sister and mum. Of course my sister was with my mum when I told her, my mum was thrilled and would have cone back with me if I had not compromised and told her I would bring her round, of course I didnt realize it would be today but I should have expected it. I had made my family promise not to tell her because I wanted to be the one and I knew I couldnt yet, she still feared me and didnt trust me. I wanted her to accept me on her own without me forcing her to accept me.

I decide that it might be best to check on her before I start on the huge pile of paperwork that was waiting for me on my desk. I knocked but didnt get a anwser so i opened the door to see she was asleep. I couldnt help but watch for a minute, as I thought back to all the memories I should have but dont.  My last thought and the most important one, I have my baby girl back.
I shut the door and walked out reluctantly, I wanted nothing more than to go and tuck her in and say sweet dreams but i couldnt. She recoiled at my touch most days so tucking her in would only cause her to wake up.
After leaving I decided to quickly wash and dry the dishes, even though I gave it her as a chore, I didnt want her to worry about it when she woke up.

Few hours later

I put the paperwork down on the completed file and checked the time 3pm. My parents expected us at 4 30. It was quite a long drive so I decided it would be a good time to wake her up, if she was still sleeping that is. I went to her room and opened the door and saw she was still sleeping. "Avery" I gently, I walk closer and she curls up in a ball which I find adorable.  "Its time to wake up avery" I say not sure how I should approach this, I hadnt any experience with this, the most experience I have is throwing a bucket of ice cold water over prisoners who have passed out. That was 100% not going to happen. Maybe I should call mum and cancel? It was obvious she needed sleep. I decided to call one more time before ringing my mum, only because if we didn't go she would turn up here. It may seem the same but the difference was huge. "Avery" i say, again using the softest tone i could bring myself to use. Maybe I was being to quiet but I didnt want to scare her. I put my hand on her shoulder, slowly and carefully, barely touching her and I was suprised when her eyes snapped open. Fear. It's all I saw. "What are you doing" she asked sitting up. "I came to wake you" I tell her and she seems to realize as she calms down a little but seconds later she goes into panic mode "I'm so sorry I forgot to tidy my room and wash the dishes, I was going to do it I swear"  I hated how panicked she got. "Its ok, you can clean your room tommorow or even tonight" I suggest.  "Ok I promise I will" she says in agreement. I smile at her "we are leaving soon, if you need to get ready or anything you should start" I tell her and she nods "I should change, I've been asleep in these, they're a bit creased" and I nod "I'll leave you to it, be ready by 4" I tell her and leave.

I cant believe I slept all morning and practically all afternoon. I forgot my real chores but luckily he didnt get angry. Now I was getting ready to meet his parents, I was super nervous. What if they dont like me? What if they tell him to take me back to the orphanage? What if they hurt me? His dad seemed short tempered, I didn't want to cross him. I was panicking about little things but I distracted myself with choosing the perfect outfit. In the end I chose black skinny jeans and a high necked mustardy long sleeve top. I decided to let my hair down as it was wavy and looked good. It was 3.59 when I finally found my shoes and put them on. I practically ran out if my room, I didnt want to be late. "I'm here" I say as I notice he was sat on the sofa reading a book. I also noticed he had gotten changed, it was weird to see him so casual he always wore suits or shirts, today he was wearing a fancy sweater and some semi formal pants.
"Great let's go, I've had to turn my phone off, my mum wont stop messaging me about dinner" he says as we walk out. "Why" I ask wondering why she was messaging him about dinner. "Shes excited to meet you" he says with a small smile.

Once we get in the car I couldnt help but fidget. I didnt want to mess up. I couldnt risk it. "Hey dont worry they will love you, although I gotta warn you, you may get overwhelmed" he said sensing my nervousness. "What if they dont, what if they hate me" I ask and a hard look makes it's way onto his face "I know they will love you, if they for some reason dont like you then that's their problem and we will leave" he said reassuring me, well trying it didnt work.
"Ok" I agree not wanting to go back and forth on this.

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