chapter 45

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It was now Friday and I was laid on bed reading and catching up with school work I had missed. It was the last thing I wanted to do but I knew Elijah woukdnt want me to fail my classes. The doctor would be here soom and I will probably be released, Elijah's parents were downstairs, Lydis called me saying they were just parking and then they would be up.

"Well your tests look good Avery" I look up and see the Doctor had just walked in. "Thanks does thos mean I can go" I ask not liking the fact I had to be kept in hospital, the doctors should focus more on Elijah and other sick patients rather than me. I was fine. "Not quite. We need to keep you a few nights for observation" she spoke but before I could reply a man and a woman walked in. The woman was dressed in a pencil skirt and shirt and the man in a suit. "Hello Avery how are you feeling" the woman asked. I was unsure who these people were "I'm fine" I reply cautiously. The doctor didnt seem to know who they were either as she had a look of confusion just like I did. "Excuse me but who are you. Only family and friends are allowed" she said. The woman handed her a card "I'm her new social worker and this is Mr Ross hes a potential foster parent" she stated and I swear my heart stopped. No. I couldnt be taken from Elijah, I wouldn't let them. "Well I'm not going, I have Elijah" I state. "Well yes you did have him but as it's not looking like he will make it, we have no choice but to intervene. Yes Elijah does have custody of you but as we all know hes no longer able to look after you so you will be going back into care" she explained and tears fell from my face. "The hell she is" I look up and see Matthew and Lydia. Mathew had spoken and looked angry whilst Lydia was a sobbing mess. "I'm afraid it's going to happen whether you both like it or not" she spoke. "Elijah is still alive, therefore she is still in his care and whilst hes unable to look after her, we are and as acting guardian I say shes not going anywhere" matthew stated looking like he wanted to murder her. "Mr Ross has agreed to take her in, its final when she gets released she will go with him" the social worker said. For the first time I decided to look at the man, he looked to be in his 40s, he had neat styled hair and green eyes, he looked like a no nonsense business man, I suppose Elijah was too but unlike Elijah I had a feeling this man only saw me as a business opportunity. "Well sadly that wont be for a few weeks, the tests came back and it's bad news I'm afraid she will have to stay in hospital until shes 100% better. It could be months, it could be weeks. Who knows it might be years" the doctor spoke and I got more confused. Didnt she just say I was fine and only needed to stay for observation unless....I couldn't believe she just lied to them. I thought I was in the clear but Mr Ross spoke "I have private doctors,  they can take care of her" he didnt seem to be happy about all this. "Well how about you give us a few days to get her stuff and say her goodbyes" matthew spoke. He was giving up.  How could he. I felt crushed. Mr ross nods "very well" the social worker smiles and looks at Matthew and Lydia "I will get a court order if I have too" and with that both the social worker and Mr Ross leave. I burst out into tears and Lydia runs to comfort me. I couldnt leave. I might not ever see Elijah again. "Why did you do that" I ask Matthew who had pulled out his phone and was typing furiously. "Because Avery by the time they come back i will have a court order saying me and lydia are acting guardians. I only said it so it would buy some time. The only problem is that it will only be temporarily and we cant apply to be your proper guardians because Elijah is thankfully still alive"  he explained and I felt relief and worry at the sane time. If it wasnt permanent then it was only a matter of time before I would be placed in Mr Ross' care. "Why would he want me, he seemed like a business man like I know Elijah is but with Elijah he separates his personal life from his work life but this man looked like both personal and business were the same to him" I say and matthew gives me a suprised look, he didnt say anything however he nodded "I'll look into it, in the meantime doctor you said Averys tests didnt go well" he said turning to the doctor.  "Oh yes, they went quite well, I was just buying some time as I didnt like the look of that man. she is a patient here so she can only leave when we discharge her however there is nothing wrong so she can technically be discharged anytime however I'll talk to my superiors about it" she explained and Matthew nodded "thank you doctor" both lydia and matthew say almost simultaneously. "I'll leave you to have some family time" she said and left.

So this was definitely turning out to be a terrible day. I woke up thinking I would be discharged and now I had a man wanting to foster me. A man who looked ad if he only cared about business. Although I knew Matthew and Lydia would do everything,  they were only going to dely the inevitable. I dont think I could handle any more abuse. I wanted Elijah. He had to be ok. I knew  how slim the chances were but he was Elijah. He was there to help me with my problems,  to piss off everyone who he didnt like. He had to come back. He just had too. But sadly he wouldnt, no matter how many times I sat with him begging him to open his eyes or wishing he would come back and hug me, telling me he wouldnt leave me. I wanted that but it never came. I wanted him.

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