chapter 5

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He shut the door to my room and I was finally alone. This was so confusing, this morning I was being beaten and dreading being locked up in the closet tonight and now I'm here in a room of my own with an actual bed. I really did have mixed opinions on elijah. He was nice, he hadnt hit me, screamed at me or worse but I had seen the dark side to him, when he came and sat at my table this afternoon all I could think about was he changed his mind and was going to kill me but he didnt. I always though how he acted in the alley with a gun was scary but him in the office with aubrey and miss eliza was scarier but as much as I found it scary, I also found it good to see them both put in there place. Aubrey was one of my main bullies, she was also 15 so that meant she was my bully in the home and at school, she and kyle had something going on but Kyle was in the year above and he was with new girls each week. It was funny to watch Aubrey have a go at him for it, aubrey told everyone from the beggining she had no parents, she made up some sad story about them being in a fire ect  which gained her sympathy however her parents were criminals, they were being charged with murder but straight after they committed suicide.  Just thinking about it made me think back to Elijah, that evening in the alley he was going to kill that man he too was probably a criminal. I decided not to think about him to much and grabbed the only pair of pyjamas I owned,  they were old yet baggy due to bring malnourished. I went into the bathroom and saw there was a bath and shower, both big and very tempting. He did say I could rinse off for the evening  so I quickly stripped and got in. The warm water felt so good as it fell down from the shower, I hadnt had a warm shower or bath in years. After a few minutes I reluctantly got out and grabbed a fresh towel that was hung up. After drying myself I quickly got changed and headed back to my room where I took out my old toothbrush and toothpaste which was running out, I made my way back to the bathroom and finished up leaving the toothbrush and toothpaste behind.
I was hesitant to get in bed after everything that I've been through with men I found it hard to even look at it so I shut my eyes and quickly got in turning the light of from a switch at the side. The bed offered comfort that I hadnt felt in years, the last time I was actually in a bed was when....I shudder and clear my mind of that memory. Not tonight. I was going yo make the most of these two weeks.

"Are you ready for some fun" the menacing voice of my foster dad speaks, I shake my head. Not again. I hadnt had much hope for him and his wife, my last  few families had also treated me bad. "To bad, I own you now and I own everything around you, your bed" he paused and got on the bed "your pathetic clothes which look much better in the floor" he said and ripped them off my shaking body "and your pathetic body" he snarled and I began to cry in response to his touched. Thinks got worse when he knuckled his belt. I screamed, I couldnt let him do this. I didnt like it.
"Fucking shut up" he said and before I knew it my screams were muffled when he placed his dick in my mouth.

"Avery please wake up, you gotta wake up"
"Avery come on, it's just a dream, you are safe"
My eyes snap open and Elijah is stood next to the bed, concern was in his eyes. I felt bad for distributing him and scared of what he might do. All the families before all hit me and some even wouldnt let me sleep in a bed anymore. "S..sorry s..sir, I accept the p..punishment" I say knowing it's best to always accept the punishment. "Avery please tell me what caused you to scream like that" he asked in such a soft voice, his behaviour was unfamiliar to me but I was still cautious and waiting for him to snap. "N..nothing s...sir" I reply, I couldnt tell him. He looks to be thinking but after a few minutes he answers "Fine get back to sleep" and with that he walks out.

I had just finished my work an put my laptop back in my office when I heard screaming. Avery. I practically ran to her room only to find she was in the middle of what seemed to be a very painful nightmare, I tried to wake her but nothing would work, I kept calling for her and finally her eyes snapped open. She thought I was going to punish her for screaming, the very fact that she thought this told me she had endured a lifetime of abuse. I couldnt let this happen again even if she wasn't my daughter. I walked out after telling her she should sleep, I was ready to hunt down and murder whoever caused these nightmares.

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