chapter 35

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"How could you Elijah. You know I trusted you and yet you do this"  she says walking into the office. I had no idea what she talking about.
Wait she trusted me, that's good right?  Shit  it was past tense, she no longer trusted me.
"What did I do" I ask still confused.
"You didnt trust me enough. You told me you wouldnt be like them, I thought you were different but you're the same creepy old guy as they were"  she was crying. It hurt to know that was what she thought of me. I wasnt old, I  wasnt creepy either and I definitely was not like them. "Where is all this coming from Avery"  I ask getting up, I try to hug her but she steps back. Fuck. "You know why. I want to go back to the orphanage" I panicked hearing this. What had I done? I have failed her...again. "please Avery let's talk about this" I try but she shakes her head. "You're a sick person.  I thought you were different.  You...watched me change. How long has it been there. Recently or from the beginning" she was hysterical now and I knew calming her was the best thing to do. Hold on, did she just say I watched her change. God. That thought sickens me. "Avery I have never ever done that, hell I even knock before coming in. I  dont know where all this is coming from but I need to know now" I tell her in a serious tone. She looked at me with hatred "the camera you put in my room, you didnt trust me enough. I was cleaning my room and I found it" she explained.

Anger hit me hard.  Someone had put a camera in my little girls room and watched her. Someone had access to the penthouse meaning they could have taken her at anytime. How fucking dare they. I will kill them. I'll torture them and make them watch there limbs get chopped off.

I left my thoughts knowing I had to deal with Avery. My top priority was her. "I promise you. I did not put that camera there. I would never do that to you. Ever. You mean so much to me Avery and I know it appears I did it but I swear I didnt. The only place that has cameras is on the corridor outside the penthouse and along the corridors of the rooms below us" I tell her hoping she will believe me. She looked at me as if she was assessing my every move. "Elliot" she whispered. 
Fuck. No. It cant be. How? I wasted no time and pulled her into a hug, I had failed to protect my own daughter. "It could be him" she suggested as we hugged. "What makes you think that" I ask and she looks hesitant. "Well he keeps calling,  saying things" she whispered. Anger was all I felt and of course the need to protect her. "Why didnt you tell me" I ask and she looks at me with sadness "I tried, i called you and you told me to sleep. Then you disappeared for a week and you havent exactly been the best to talk to" she said making guilt consume me. How could I do that to her?  "That night when you called and I told you too sleep, you called me because he called you" I ask and she nods.  Fuck. "Hun I'm so sorry. Please forgive me" I say and tighten my hug. "Its ok" she whispered.  "He called me Saturday, after you got angry and left. He talked like he was watching me"'  she says. "I'm so sorry hun, that I made you feel like you couldnt talk to me" I tell her. "Its ok, you had every right to be angry with me. I did lie to you, I did put the drugs on my bookshelf,  I did break your rules and I tried to sneak out" she said and I felt my eyes fill with tears but I quickly blinked not letting them fall. "I found the drugs under my bed and I didn't know what to do, I hid them on my bookshelf because I was scared about you finding out. They werent mine, I swear"  she continued which got me thinking. If Garrows got into our home and planted a camera then he could have planted the drugs too. It was quite possible and if that was the case I hurt my little girl for no reason. "Ok I believe you. Go pack some clothes. We are going to my parents for a few days" I say making the decision that it wasnt safe for her at the moment. I had to protect her. "Can you  come with me. I dont want to go back into my room on my own" she asks and I nod. "Let's go hun" I take her hand and lead her to her room.

Garrows will pay with his life. I will torture him slowly and kill him. He will die at my hands even if I have to hunt him to the ends of the earth. I will get him.

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