chapter 89

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Xanders POV

He knew!
Of course he knew, how could he not.
It was obvious the first time I met him how protective he was of Avery so it was clear to me then he would run a background check on me.
The thing I didn't understand though was the fact that he knew my secret yet he didn't know that his girlfriend was abusing Avery.
I never really thought anything of Avery until a few boxing classes later. She was just another girl taking the class that was until I got talking with her and she was great. I instantly felt a connection. Of course it was obvious to me why she was in this class.
She had been abused.
It was easy to spot,  but maybe that's because I know how to spot abuse victims.

Avery and I got on well and soon I found myself devolping feelings for her but I knew I couldn't.
I couldn't fall for the mafia boss' daughter.
Yes I knew. I knew his secret but I could never expose it. Elijah West was dangerous and deadly and I had no intention of crossing him however that didn't mean I'd let him walk all over me. Not a chance will I accept his insults willingly, and that's why whenever he made a remark I would say one straight back.

Now I was in his home. My parents would definitely tell me to get information to use against him but I couldn't, that would betray Avery and besides she was my main focus. She was all that mattered today.

"So I think my dad is starting to like you" she says, we turn to each other and we both grin, the grins turn into laughter and soon it's uncontrollable.
"I highly doubt that, but at least he lets us hangout" I say finally and she nods but I see the pain in her expression.
"Hey do you want me to get you ice or something" I ask and she shakes her head. I was still very concerned and didn't know whether to get the ice or not. "I feel ok, it's not like I haven't had broken bones before" she whispered the last bit but I heard and anger shot through me. How dare someone hurt her. "Well ok but if you need anything tell me"
"I'm fine, let's watch TV"


Xander was caring and I noticed every move I made his eyes would move focus, from the TV to me. After a while the TV became background noise and we talked about everything and nothing.
I realized in the time we were talking Xander really doesn't like to talk about his family, I had noticed before when dad asked him questions about his parents he would always change the topic but now even with me. I got the feeling he was hiding something.

"Dinner is ready" dad called from the doorway making me realize it had already been a few hours.
"I should go" Xander said but dad didn't seem thrilled, which was odd since I knew my dad strongly disliked him. "Nonsense, I've already plated you up some food. Besides I think it will be a good opportunity to learn more about you"  yeah I knew it was weird of him to want him to stay, he was up to something. "Was the background check not enough" Xander said and dad glared at him "oh it gave me plenty of information but I figured why not find out more from the source" he shrugged and walked back to the dining room. I already figured he had done background checks so it didn't suprise me. At least now I wasn't worrying if the students turned out to be like the ones in my last.

Xander joined me as we headed towards the dining room where dad was casually sat.
After a few minutes of eating the interrogation began.
"So you're 16"
"What are your grades like"
"Bs and As"
"What do you do in your spare time"
"Read and work out"
"Do you have a job"
"Sort of, it's only small"
"Do you have siblings"
"Enough I don't want to talk about my family"
Elijah just nodded to his outburst which suprised me. He instead changed the topic.
"So I heard career day was in a few weeks, have you both thought about what you want to do when your older" he asks.
I had never thought about it till now. Truth was I never really expected to be anything. I had always thought I'd be kicked out of the house at 18 and living on the streets, but now that I had a home, things were different. No one had ever asked me about my future up until now. It was just another reassurance that Elijah was my dad and he wasn't going anywhere soon and neither was I.

"I'd like to run my own business" Xander said like it was nothing but the way dad looked at him made me feel like dad also knew something I didn't.
"That's great, and you Avery" dad asked.
"Im not sure, never really thought about it. Maybe something that involves helping people" I anwser and he smiles at me.
"Well whatever you decide to do, I'll be right there cheering you on" he said encouragingly.
"Even if I pick a career you don't like" I ask and he nods "it won't happen though because whatever you decide to do will be great. I'll be proud of you no matter what, I already am so proud of you so even if you think you have the worst job in the world I'll be telling you how great you are at it"

His words brought tears to my eyes. No one had ever told me that. No one had ever supported me like him. All my life I had no one up until him.
Now I had a family and friends. But most importantly I had a dad who loved me and I loved him just as much.

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