chapter 88

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So before starting this chapter I just want to add Gabbi's Aesthetic. It will be added to the aesthetic page in a few days along with a picture on the character page once I find one. I imagine her to have a baby face with brown wavy hair. And yes she's good.

 And yes she's good

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It's been a week now and I was starting to get a little bored. I could barely walk and so Elijah had contacted the school and they were happy to send my work through email...(gotta love online learning)
I was desperate for something other to do, I was either reading, doing schoolwork or watching TV with Elijah. Beth had come round one day but there was a big project due so all my friends seemed to be busy with that. I felt bad asking Elijah if I could do something more exciting because I know he was doing everything he could think of to make this easier for me. He had become even more protective, he was now working from home and if I was to call him now he would be here in seconds asking a million questions most were different forms of 'are you ok'
I had finished everything and I was about to go see Elijah when my phone rang. On instinct i felt my nerves get the better of me but I looked down and saw it was only Xander which automatically brought a smile to my face as I anwsered it.
"Just thought I'd call to see how you are doing" he said making me smile even more
"Yeah I'm good, my ribs still hurt and I'm struggling to walk but I'm ok. I'm glad it over" I reply
"Well thats better than before I guess, I hope to see you soon"
I took a deep breath and spoke "you could come over. I mean if you want" I suggest.
"I'd love to but I don't think your dad will let me"
I think for a minute "I'll talk to him"
"Great...Marco put my knife down"  after the pause his tone changed dramatically, whoever Marco was, was not on his good side. Wait knife? Why does he have a knife? "What do you need a knife for" I ask becoming a little wary. "Oh it's just for eating with. Marco my friend stole mine claiming it was sharper" he explained, it seemed believable but i was
still unsure. "Avery come downstairs please" I hear Elijah call so I quickly say goodbye to Xander and make my way downstairs.

Elijah looked pissed. I started to think of everything I could have done wrong. "Jeez don't look so nervous" he said and I nodded "you look pissed though" I mumble and he laughs. "Maybe a little but not at you. "  So why was he pissed? "Ok so you are probably wondering why I called you down. Well the doctor suggested that you walk around the house at least twice a day and you have been in your room since breakfast" he explained. I decided I might as well ask him if Xander can come over before he starts another business meeting. "I was wondering if Xander can come hang out" I say quietly and he scoffs "he's bad news Avery"  I decide to ignore his comment "please dad, I really like him" I say hoping he will agree. "I didn't say no did I, he can come round but take it easy ok. Im going to go prep dinner then I've got a meeting" he says and hug him"thsnks, I'll tell him to come over " he gently hugs me back "I don't approve but I'm not going to stop you from inviting your friends over though"

God I hated Alexander. He wasn't a good person but of course I had to allow her to spend time with him. I couldn't tell her the truth, it would break her for sure. She had gone through so much and I didn't want her to get hurt further. I had decided I won't tell her unless I really had too. I just had to keep a closer eye on them.

"Xanders here" she said coming out of the living room. I presume she was watching TV in there. I put on my business smile and left the kitchen to greet him.
"Alexander" I say and he glares at me "it's Xander, Mr West"  he says through gritted teeth. I have to admit it was fun to get under his skin. "Yes obviously your parents left a few letters off your birth certificate" I continue and I obviously angered him "my parents aren't relevant, don't bring them up" he said, it was obvious he was trying not to loose it so I decided to back down. I really should do more research on his parents, I had noticed he hates talking about them. "At least they didn't name you Xavier"  I say and he smirks "it's better than being named Elijah" he counters. Ok maybe I didn't hate him, I strongly disliked him but I was impressed with his determination to stand up to me.  I decided to let his comment go "will you be staying for dinner Alexander" ok so I wasn't done taunting him. "I don't want to overstay" he said and I looked at him fully. He seemed nervous, which I did find pleasing. He should fear me. "Nonsense. You are staying. I have a meeting to get to but you kids have fun." I say and walk towards the stsirs only I stop and turn "actually a word with you first Alexander" he nods and comes towards me.

"If you hurt my daughter in anyway I will come after you, I will hurt everyone you care about and they will all know it's your fault. Oh and don't worry I'm not going to tell Avery about your little secret, not yet at least"

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