chapter 57

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"Hey its going to  be alright" Elijah reassured as he switched of the engient to the car. We had just arrived at his parents and my nerves were starting to get the better of me. I wasnt looking forward to interacting with Maisey.

"I'm not leaving you tonight. I'll be your personal bodyguard" he tried to make a joke, it didnt work at all but I found his attempt sweet.  "Fine but if she even tries to take my necklace,  I wont apologise for my actions" my hand automatically made it's way to my neck. I was so grateful to Elijah for getting ut fixed. "Oh believe me hun, if she even dares to look at you the wrong way I'll have her wishing she had been born with no eyes" he says in a dark tone making me look at him in horror. Wtf . "I'm joking, shes family I only torture my enemies" he says with a shrug making me gulp. He  I definitely didnt want yo get on his bad side. "I was kidding, Let's go" he said getting out the car, I do the same and together we walk up to the house.

I wasnt kidding. I saw how she looked at me and so I had to add that I wasnt bring serious about torturing my enemies.  Maisey might be family but I was not agsinst giving her some tough love.
I had already told myself that I wasn't leaving Averys side tonight, I had told Avery before we got out but she still looked unconvinced. 

"Elijah,  Avery" mum opened the door before I could even knock. She pulled us both into a hug, this was going to be a long night. "Come on in dears" she practically dragged us in causing me to chuckle.  "Do you need help" Avery asked and mum quickly shook her head "of course not hun, Em was helping before you both got here. Everything is ready, let's head to the dining room" she said with a smile. As we walked towards the room I saw Avery was getting more nervous, so I slowly reached my hand out, within seconds she had put her hand in mine and I wrapped my fingers around giving her a reassuring squeeze.

"You two are finally here, thank god I'm starving" Max called as we entered. I noticed a small smile on Averys face making me choose not to say anything about Max's impatience. "Elllii come sit next to me" I look at Maisey and even though I didnt mean to my facial expression was pure disgust.  "I'm sitting next to Avery" I state and we sit in the two seats that were remaining. "You dont have too" Avery whispered as we sat down. I decided to ignore it as I didnt feel like getting into another debate.

"I hope you rested today"  dad spoke as he looked at me with concern . "Yeah Avery and I just chilled" I say and out of the corner of my eye i notice she rolled her eyes. "More like I chilled and you got way to competitive" she mumbled so quietly, only I could hear. I chuckled as I thought back to today's events.

"So what do you want to do" I asked as we left the kitchrn. "Its up to you, I have no idea" I thought for a minute before smirking "let's have a games day" I suggested, I would have suggested a film but we did that last night. "Wait you have games" she looks at me with shock and confusion.  "Of course, back when Maisey stopped over she was bored so I bought us a few games to play. I haven't touched them since" I explained. "Ok well you will have to teach me how to play" she agreed
For the next few hours we played multiple board games, she was hesitant at what to do at first so I took it easy but when she got the hang of the game I began to get competitive.

Back to present

"Well did he relax Avery" dad asked turning the question onto her. "Yeah" she repoied but I could see how pressured she felt. "Let's have dinner, I'm hungry" I change the topic, casually mentioning I was hungry which caused my mum to fuss about me and automatically the topic was dropped meaning Avery didnt have to anwser any unwanted questions.

Dinner went by quickly, it was a pleasant atmosphere we all talked even Avery who managed the odd comment here and there.
"So what are we watching" max asked interrupting the conversation that was previously going on. At a glance I notice Avery was confused so I quickly explain. "Whenever we get together and have a meal as a family, we usually watch a film after" I tell her. She nods in understanding. "I think its Elijahs turn to pick" dad said and everyone looked at  me curious as what to pick. I thought for a minute, knowing it had to be child friendly before I turned to Avery and with a grin "peter pan"  she grins probably thinking back to this mornings conversation like I was. "I'm still growing up" she said and I give her a playful glare "not of I can help it. I'm gonna make sure you stay young forever" we looked at each and burst out laughing. "Fine da..Elijah, I'll just secretly get old" she stated and at first I was a little shocked then I felt a overwhelming sense of happiness.  She nearly called me dad. I saw it was a mistake though as she didnt follow through with it. "You do that and I'll ship you off to Neverland" I tell her and she looks at me with a 'how dare you're expression. "No you wouldnt, you would miss me too much" I laughed,  she was right. "I would" I admit. Before anything else can be said, Max interrupts our conversation "you guys are adorable,  let's go watch it, mum I'll help clean up later" he then got up from his seat.

We soon were all sat on the sofa. I made sure that Avery was sat next to me and I didnt miss it when she rested her head on my shoulder. At this moment in time as the film started I realized I would not trade this for the world. I was surrounded by family, I had my little girl back and she was starting to accept me as a father.  Nothing could ruin this moment. At least that's what I thought.

Maisey just happened to stand up and i automatically put my arm around Avery in a protective manner. "Uncle Eli I want to sit with you" ugh not again. Max sensed my frustration as he was sat next to me spoke up "what about me" but she shook her head. I rolled my eyes knowing this was partly my fault.

Em had got pregnant with a guy who had hone to jail not long after she found out. During the pregnancy my parents,  brother and I were all there to support her. When Maisey was born, i had become protective of her, not wanting her to be taken away like my Avery was. That led to Maisey and I becoming close and now unfortunately Maisey had turned into a jealous bitch.

"Please eli" she gave me her best puppy eyes which usually worked but not anymore. "No go sit with your mum" I was comfortable with it being just Avery and I. "That's not fair" she started and I rolled my eyes. "Yes it is, now go sit down" I warn as the annoyance began to rise. "No it isnt, she is the reason you were in a coma. She nearly killed you and yet you allow her to sit with you" she screeched but before I could stop her she turned to Avery and spoke "its dll tour fault,  you caused it, no one wants you here its all for pity just go back to the orphanage"

Automatically my fists clenched but sadly I couldnt punch her, she was family.  I saw the tears run down Avery's face and my anger rose higher. How dare she say that. It was obvious to anyone Avery blamed herself even when it was my doing. "How dare you, you seriously need a lesson in manners. Avery had nothing to do with my coma. I do not pity her and she does not belong in a orphanage. How fucking dare you speak to her like that. I swear to god Maisey if you werent family I would chop off your tongue" I warn, my voice lacked any emotion but hate. "Go stand in that fucking corner" I order but she doesnt causing my glare to darken. "Now" I demand and she quickly scurried to the corner "bitch" she mumbles and in that moment i wanted to put a bullet between her eyes. My anger falls as I notice Avery remove herself from me, her eyes showed fear. "Sweetheart dont listen to a word"  I inform her but she doesn't look convinced.

My poor little girl. I hate knowing you doubt me.

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