chapter 27

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I felt happy going to sleep, there was no chance I had to deal with him tonight. I could finally sleep without him calling or messaging me.

"Hows the chores coming along" he said  walking out. "Good sir" I reply even though I was exhausted,  I hadnt eaten or slept in days but if I complained he wouldnt be happy. "Really" he questions, I nod to scared to answer. "I dont like liars" he snarled and grabbed my hair pulling me by it as he dragged me inside. "Please no" I begged as he began his brutal attack. "No" I try again but the result was the same, I recieved multiple swift kicks. "I'm gonna make you regret everything you pathetic bitch" he snarled as several more kicks and punches were delivered. I was loosing oxygen and struggling to breath, I couldn't stay awake as much as I tried.

I gasped for air as my eyes snapped open. It was just a dream. A nightmare. I found myself crying,  even asleep he still can get to me. If I wasnt safe awake or asleep where was I?
I knew after such an horrific dream there was no way I was going back to sleep. It was impossible.  I looked over at the time, 5:24am. I decided to read until it was an acceptable time to get up.

It was 8:15 when I next looked at the clock,  I decided to put the book down and get ready for the day. I was grounded and being sunday I knew there was little chance that I was going anywhere. Elijah probably had more chores for me which after that dream I was dreading. What if I mess up?

After a few moment i manage to calm myself down, Elijah wasn't Elliot.
I managed to get ready, my outfit consisted of black leggings a plain tshirt and a hoodie what was way to big for me, I finished by putting on some warm fuzzy socks. Once I was ready I took a deep breath and left my room.
Elijah was in the kitchen making breakfast when I entered, he seemed to be in a decent mood, not happy but not angry. "Good morning" I say wanting to be polite as possible. "Good morning Avery" he said and sent me a smile. "Did you sleep well" he asks and I nod, but then I stop, lying was a rule, he didnt like liars. Elliot didnt like them either, the memories came flashing back. "Are you sure, you look exhausted" he asked again looking at me with concern. "I might have been awake a few hours now, I couldnt sleep so I started reading for a bit" I confess, wanting to be truthful. "Why couldnt you sleep" he asked but I suspected he knew the reason "i had a nightmare" I whisper so quiet that I was suprised he heard it. "You could have come to me" he says. "You were asleep though, and I didnt want to bother you" I tell him. He sighs "come here" I slowly made my way to him. He crouched down to my level "I know things have been a little bad between us lately but if you have a problem i am here, night or day. If you cant sleep then come wake me up, we can talk it out, we can sit in silence. I just dont want you to feel like you cant come to me" he told me sadly. I wanted to believe him, I really did but my mind went back to the night I tried to call him and he told me to sleep. He wasnt bothered then.
"Avery please come to me next time" he tells me.
He says this now but he will probably be annoyed when its 3am and I cant sleep, just like he was that night.
"Ok" I agree but I know it will never happen.  I was a burden to him, no matter how much he denied it. "Do you want to talk about it" he asked and I shook my head. I wanted to bury that memory, the memory that seemed to be carved into my mind,  like most memories with him. "Ok well  do you want to try get some more sleep after breakfast " he asked and I shake my head knowing that I wouldnt be sleeping again any time soon. "Ok go sit and I'll finish breakfast" he said and I do as he says.

Breakfast today consisted of croissants and fruit. I didnt dare talk to him even after the reassurance he gave. I couldnt help but watch any sudden movements he made, like reaching for his coffee.  He suddenly turned to me and I gulped, maybe he will have a go at me for watching him. "So today I have a few chores for you to complete then we will be going to my parents for a late lunch" he told me and I nodded "o..ok" I was nervous but most of my fear came from the dream. "Dont be so nervous, I just need you to tidy your room I noticed you didnt do it yesterday. I also want you to wash and dry the dishes" he said. I waited for him to continue but he never did. "Is that it" I ask and he nods "I can give you one more if you want" he suggested. "What is it" I ask hesitantly. "Sleep Avery. You're exhausted,  I can see it" he said with concern. "I cant, I try and I never can. It's not as easy as you think" I stop myself from saying anymore in case it upsets him. "Is it elliot" he asks and I feel myself not breathing. How does he know. Wait I never told him his name. "How do you know his name" I ask and he looks at me with guilt "you told me" he said but it felt more like he was asking. "No I didn't" I whisper and he sighs "I found out myself" I didn't ask further questions as I knew finding the anwser would only scare me more
"I should start on the chores" I say excusing myself from the room before he said anything. I decided I would clean my room then go back to thr kitchen to wash up, not wanting to be around him.

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