chapter 42

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It was night time and visiting hours had finished. I tried sleeping as ur was late but every time I did I saw Elijah's body hooked up to machines. It was my fault and I hated seeing him like that. I decided to pay him a visit as I wanted to be with him.

I got half way there when a hand clamped itself over my mouth. "Finally got you" oh no. It was him.i tried my best to fight him but he gave me a strong punch and I collapsed on the floor. "You thought you could get away from me" he snarled and I spat at him. I wasnt the weak little girl he used to torment anymore. "Fuck you Elliot" I say and he laughs. Unlike Elijah who's laugh was full of Love, Elliots was menacing and dark. "Bitch I'll have tou regretting that" he grabbed my hair and began dragging me back to my room. I couldnt do anything because everytime I struggled against him he would yank my hair. "Oh little girl havent I taught you anything" he said. I gulped as I saw the evil glint in his eyes. He truly was a monster.

An hour had passed and I now laid on the phone broken and in pain. He had just left after beating me hard "I'll be back" he whispered and kissed my cheek before he left. I hated him. Eliot Garrows was the worst of the worst. He was a monster, there was no good inside him. There never will be. As for me  I had come to realize I was still the weak little child I used to be. I wasnt as strong as i thought i was. I  hated myself so much for letting him beat me.
I cried on the floor, too weak to get up. Time seemed to go fast and the next thing I know a doctor walked in. She gasped and ran to me "what happened   Avery can you hear me" she spoke kindly but I didnt trust my words so I nodded. "Ok sweetie let's get you in bed. I'll call your grandparents" she said and I nodded, to weak to correct her for the grandparents error. She had a male nurse come lift me in bed because she wasnt strong enough. I cried in agony as the pain increased from the movement. The doctor who I had found out was called Melanie, she glanced at me with worry "Mitch, go call mr and mrs west" she order the nurse who quickly left to do so. "Ok sweetie, will you let me check for damage" I nod and she offers me a small smile and gets to work with examining me.
Not long after Lydia and Mathew burst into the room. Matthew looked a cross between angry, worried and sad. Lydia looked worried and sad, like she had just been crying which I dont doubt she had. She was a very emotional person. "What happened Doctor" lydia asked as she pulled me gently into a hug. "I'm not sure, she hasnt spoken yet. I found her like this" the doctor explained.  This seemed to annoy Matthew though "my son is in this hospital fighting for his life and you tell me I should consider orfam donation and now Avery here has been badly beaten the following day. What kind of hospital are you. You definitely dont understand how to look after your patients"  he snapped and lydia tried to stop him but he went on  massive rant about how bad the hospital was. I didnt think it was the worst but it wa definitely up there. "With all die respect, this is my first shift up here I'm usually on the children's ward" melanie interrupted but Matthew ignored her. "What happened sweetheart" his voice was calm and soft now as he spoke to me. I had to tell them. I needed too. That way maybe they could prevent him coming back. "Garrows" I whisper feeling weak. I hated this, knowing I was weak was one thing but admitting to it was another. "That sick fucking son of a bitch" Matthew cursed and Lydia pulled me in tighter.  "I'm giving you 24 hour security" Matthew declared looking like he was about to kill. "I want to see your CcTv" he asked Mel. She seemed hesitant but one look at me she decided that it would be better as none of us wanted me back in this state. Matthew then left leaving me with Lydia. "Oh hun" she cried and held my hand. I squeezed it to let her know how grateful I was to her.  This family truly was amazing and I didnt want to leave them but I knew one day it would end and I'd be with  even more of a vile disgusting family.

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