chapter 91

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It's been just over a month and I was finally going back to school. I was a little nervous but overall I was looking forward to be being back.

Hopefully I can fully close the abuse part of my life for good.

Dad was definitely not getting a girlfriend any time soon. Just the other day we went grocery shopping, after I begged him to let me come. Apparently shopping was strenuous and he was against it. Anyway whilst out a woman had made it obvious that she was flirting with him, she definitely went to far and he just gave her one of the most dirtiest looks and said 'last time I checked this was a store not a brothel'
Yeah I had nothing to worry about. Maybe I slightly enjoyed hearing him insult  desperate women. It was quite funny to hear his insults.
One of my favourite insults was when he was in a meeting I had come down for a drink and he was sat on his laptop on a video conference call. 
One of the women had asked for his personal number so they could spend some quality time together. Dad was more focused on me then her but when he heard her ask his facial expression changed to a glare. I was trying not to laugh but I failed when he spoke up "are you a friend of mine" he asked "no sir but..." He cut her off "family?" She shook her head "no sir but maybe in the future I could be"  he was annoyed now and I found it way to funny. "Yeah I tell you what, if you were the last woman on the planet I still wouldn't consider giving you my number let alone a relationship with you. What I will give you is a new job, go see HR tommorow" 
He ended the call not long after and we both laughed.

Aside from Dad insulting women he would also make comments about my friends when they came over.
It wasnt harsh, but it was obvious he was judging Nathan and Xander. He was completely fine with Beth and Alec though. At first it annoyed me so I had told him to stop which he did for Nathan but not Xander. Xander reassured me it was fine and he didn't mind his little insults because he enjoyed insulting him back.

"You could take a few more days off if you want" dad insisted as we arrived outside the school. I shook my head. No. I was ready to go back. "I'm completely fine" I tell him but he looks unconvinced. "Ok if you feel like you need to come home just call me and I'll be straight here. Even if it's just a minor issue. I'll message you at lunch time" he was definitely worried which made me feel cared for. "I'll be fine dad, I need to go" everytime I called him dad his face would light up, he was beyond happy when I first started calling it him and it was obvious he still was.
"Goodbye Avery , have a great day"
"Bye dad"

And with that I left the car.
My first day back since the accident,I just hope it goes well
"Avery over here" Beth called and I smiled.
Everything was going to be just fine.


I know she has forgiven me but I couldn't just let her forgive me so easily. I had hurt her so bad, everyday I tried my hardest to do things to make it up to her. My baby wasn't a materialstic girl, she preferred my time rather than gifts so I made sure to spend as much time with her as possible. I knew she hated me buying things for her but it was my job as a father to do so but I didn't want to make her feel bad for an expensive gift even though I would buy her anything she asked for, however I did choose a more simple approach. Ice-cream. She loved ice cream and I made sure to have plenty in the freezer, I made sure to buy new flavours every time I went shopping for her to try.
She deserved nothing but the best and that's what I was going to give her.
It has been a month since she was hurt and now that she was back at school I was worrying even more. I couldn't check on her every hour or so. I had to wait till the end of the day to see her. I knew I had to get round to the warehouse at some point. I have been neglecting mafia stuff because I wanted to be a better man, a better father. But with new threats each day I couldn't put it off any longer. I didn't want Avery to see me as a criminal and if I could I'd give up my role but I couldn't.  Sure there is a few people I'd trust with the role but I knew they would never want too. It was too much work.
Some people may think it's just killing and drugs, they would be wrong.
Of course they do play a part but I am responsible for so much more.

I couldn't quit, I just had to learn to manage my time better. Avery was back at school so I already planned today. It had been a month and I'm sure those fuckers have probably gone insane already.

Time to pay them a visit.

Hi guys sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to write this note to let you all know that chapters are going to be slow again , Im currently not feeling enough motivation to write so this was done very quickly, not the best chapter so I apologize for that.

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