chapter 36

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She didnt spoke as we drove down the roads. I was beggining to worry about her, when we packed she either nodded or shook her head. This weekend had definitely been traumatic for her. I tried to make conversation but it was no use. I had left her phone with one of my men on guard, one of the trusted ones because let's face it, I may be dealing with a traitor. They would take the phone to the warehouse where a IT person would trace the location the calls came from.

I decided now was as good time as any to let my parents know we were coming. I call my dad and he picks up on the third ring "hey son, is everything ok? I heard what happened with Maisey" my dad spoke first. "No, nothing is ok. We had a security breach so we are on our way over now" I tell him looking over at Avery, i noticed a tear escape her eyes. "Fuck. Is Avery ok?" He asks already worrying. "Shes safe" i tell him because I knew she wasnt ok. If only I had been there.
"Ok how far are you," I look around and see that their driveway us just up ahead "five minutes" I answer. "Ok I'll meet you at the door" he said and ended the call.

Once going through security,  I drove up the drive and parked. Avery said nothing, she got her bag from the backseat and I repeated her actions. Together we walked up to the front door. I didnt bother knocking, instead I opened it allowing Avery to walk ahead. My dad came from the living room, his attention was focused on Avery. "Hello Avery, how are you doing" he politely asked. "I'm ok" she whispered. It was a lie, I could see she was doing her best in a effort to not breakdown. My dad then looked to me for anwser. "Avery found a camera in her room, we think Garrows planted it" I shorten and a dark look creeps up onto his face.  "How did this happen you have tight security, everything" he asked. "I dont know but I intend to find out" I tell him. Before either one of can say anything Avery speaks. "Elijah" she starts and i nod for her to proceed. "You know those photos that you got sent. Do you think he took them, that's when it all started" fuck. Wouldnt be the first time he had taken pictures of her. I wonder if she knows about the ones found. "Avery hun, if he is responsible then dont worry, I will find him and stop all this" I reassure, I only just manage to keep it child friendly. What I wanted to say was worse. I wanted to say that I would find him, torture him to insanity then kill him but obviously I couldnt tell her that. It was what I was going to do but she didnt need to know that. "Ok Elijah, I trust you" she trusted me? She trusted me! A smile made it's way onto my face "and I know it doesnt seem like I do, but I trust you as well" I tell her and she smiles. My dad then decided to interrupt "Avery dear, Lydia is in the kitchen making dinner how about you go help her" he suggested. "Is that really necessary" I ask not wanting to leave my baby girl alone without me, even if it was my mum. "Yes, we need to talk" my dad states and I nod. "I'll be five minutes Avery" I tell her and she nods "it's ok take your time" she tells me and heads to the kitchen.

As soon as she is out of hearing range my dad speak. "What the fuck Elijah" of course I was going to get a lecture. "You remember how I mentioned Garrows being some creepy foster" I say cutting off the dad. He didnt deserve to be called foster dad. He was a psycho. He wasn't her dad. "Yeah but you said you had it under control" he said and I nod "I thought I did too, I have my tech people tracking him, I've had my guys go to locations. I thought I was on top of this but today I found out my baby girl has been still receiving calls, she was to scared to tell me. She was scared of me dad! She probably still is. Not only that but she found a camera in her room. That sick son of a bitch went into her room, probably went through her stuff, and I have been so caught up with blaming her for something she probably didn't do that I wasn't there when she needed me" I ranted, I felt like the worst parent ever. "I couldnt protect my own daughter" I whisper feeling my eyes start to blur and my cheeks dampened.  "You are a great father stop blaming yourself. We are going to catch him and make him pay. She is still here, she is safe. We have her, she is ok" he reassured. It didn't make me feel much better however I knew I had to be strong for Avery.

Nothing seemed the same anymore. This morning I was looking forward to a chilled day. My biggest  fear was Elijah getting angry at me. When I found that camera, everything changed. At first I thought it was Elijah but after confronting him, I believed him. He always knocked before coming in, he respected my privacy, he was not like the others. Then I remember Garrows, he always spoke like he was watching me. Elijah seemed to share my theory as he was angry yet panicky. He had us go to his parents,  which I didnt mind at all. I wanted to be as far away from that room as possible.

"Hello dear, I heard you and Elijah will be staying a few days" lydia said as I entered the kitchen. "Y..yeah" I was beyond nervous especially after what happened earlier. "No need to be nervous. I'm just cooking dinner would you like to help" she said and I nodded. It would be a distraction and I definitely needed one.

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