chapter 35. Rewritten.

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Trust conquers everything

Sexual content ahead and this is a long ass chapter, so enjoy.


He was about to get into his car when he suddenly heard screams coming from the outside. Kenny didn't think twice as he quickly ran to where the screams were coming from to see what was happening. It was 11 in the evening something bad might happen to someone and he won't be selfish not to help out. By the moment he got out, he saw other than Jimmy Hurt forcing someone into his car. Kenny furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he watched the young boy enter his car and drive off instantly before Kenny could even take a step.

It's not that Kenny was late, no. Kenny was frozen in place because the person Jimmy Hurt threw in the car was actually his dad. Paul. Kenny can't mistake his old man and he knows the clothes he was wearing that evening. He watched the car go in the distance still in a daze. When Kenny's mind came back he pulled out his phone and dialed his dad's number quickly. Kenny cursed under his breath when the call just went to a voice message.

"What the hell is going on with my dad and Jimmy Hurt," Kenny looked at where the car went and he sighed calling him again. He called several times but it was the same. He marveled what was Paul's deal with Jimmy. He had seen how his dad behaved while Jimmy was around all night. He didn't understand it at all. He moved back to his car still confused. He heaved a heavy sigh rubbing his temples in thoughts, and then remembered that he was the one who drove Ron, Michael and his dad to the party. He was so engrossed in what Ethan had told him to even remember that small details.

Kenny was so fucked up when Ethan is involved.

"Hello, Ron am leaving," Kenny said

"Go we are still having fun Kenny the cake is wonderful you should have tested it" Ron rumbled making Kenny chuckle, at least he was coming around.

"Is my dad still there," Kenny had to ask to be sure his mind wasn't doing tricks on him. He wanted it to be a trick though.

"He wasn't feeling well so he went back home," Kenny sighed driving off after hearing that. His dad might be in bed sleeping so he would have seen someone else but that didn't stop him from driving to his house to be sure.

"OK goodnight and Ron, you tell Michael to call you a taxi and make sure you go back early," Kenny said

"Ok Dad," Ron hung up. Kenny threw his phone in the passage seat as he drove directly to his father's house. He was worried about his old man. He might be mistaken or he might be seeing things that are not there. In twenty minutes he was at his dad's house. The housekeeper greeted him in respect when he stumbled inside.

"Is my dad in his bedroom," Kenny asked the housekeeper.

"No sir, he hasn't returned home yet," Kenny sighed scratching his head. He pulled the phone out again and dialed Paul's number but it was the same. Kenny started to get worried seriously, what if his dad was in trouble? What if he wasn't the one he saw with Jimmy Hurt?

"If he comes back tell him to call me immediately," the housekeeper nodded her head in understanding and bowed at him. Kenny was about to get out when someone stopped him.

"Living so soon son," His mum said making Kenny curse under his breath. If he knew the woman was here, he wouldn't have come.

"Mum," Kenny swallowed looking at his birth mother with an emotionless face. The housekeeper excused herself knowing something was going to go down. She didn't want to hear the bickering that was coming. Molly and Kenny don't see eye to eye. It was known to the people who knew him.

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