Chapter 23- Rewritten.

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I can't wait for you
To scoop me up in those
Big strong arms.


Ethan thought that Kenny's room would be painted black like the rest of the house but he was so damn wrong. The room had bright colors that pulled you inside. It was painted turquoise. It had a California king-size bed in the middle of the spacious room which was well laid with gray covers and grey pillowcases. Lights from the nightstand illuminate the room making it look so much better than the rest of the house.

Now this is the house of a well-known designer. Ethan thought impressed.

Ethan took in everything. He loved them all but he didn't miss the suitcase that sat on the foot of the bed. He eyed it softly and before he could stop himself, he asked. "Are you going somewhere," Kenny who was busy in the closet getting the towels looked back at Ethan and saw the suitcase Ethan was pointing at.

"No, I'm from Manhattan," Kenny replied pulling out the towels and throwing one at Ethan. "Have been gone for days, just came back today," Kenny added pulling his pants off without a care. That's why he couldn't reach him. Ethan's mouth went dry looking at the man getting naked in front of him. He blinked rapidly, swallowing so hard as he eyed the perfect body he had ever seen in his life.

God, Kenny was perfect.

"I think you should shower alone," Ethan suggested swallowing hard. He doesn't think he will keep his hands to himself if he walks inside that room with Kenny looking like that. Ethan doesn't trust himself. Kenny looked at him and smirked, just looking into the man's eyes, he knew what the man was thinking. Kenny stalked toward him only in his tight blue underwear.

"Why," he put his hand over Ethan's neck, carassing it softly. "You really want to miss this chance, Ethan," Ethan almost cursed, no one calls his name the way Kenny does. He fucken loves it "I will be a good boy and allow you to touch," he teased unbuttoning Ethan's suit jacket and placing it on the bed. He started unbuttoning his shirt too. Ethan's eyes were now clouded, Kenny might think that he was teasing him but those words made Ethan lose his mind. I will be a Good boy. Ethan couldn't control himself, the way his body was shivering in desire, the way he wanted the man was sickening.

Kenny let his shirt fall off his shoulders leaving his chest exposed. Kenny swallowed eyes turning to lust instantly at how Ethan's body looked. "Fuck, you have a beautiful body," Kenny muttered. Ethan couldn't wait anymore as he pulled the man down and kissed him while working on his pants. Ethan pushed his tongue down the man's throat kissing him like the world was ending. He pushed his pants down and stepped out of them after pulling off his shoes and stocks.

Ethan pulled Kenny's body against his making their already hard-clothed dicks to grind. Kenny hummed grinding it harder loving the friction he was getting. He pulled away looking at Ethan, both of them panting desire coursing through their bodies. Kenny pulled on the man's hand and walked to the bathroom.

Kenny turned the water on and he didn't wait for it to heat up, he was on fire. He really wanted Ethan so bad it hurt. He pulled Ethan against his body and they were kissing again. Ethan passed his hand over Kenny's ass pulling the boxer off and leaving the man bare. Kenny didn't mind, he wanted his dick free after all, he was dying. He stepped out of it and also pulled Ethan's boxers off too and the man didn't wait as he cupped their dicks together and stroked slowly.

Kenny pulled his mouth away from the man and cried out in pleasure. It felt so good. Ethan pressed his soft lips on the other man's neck and started suckling while licking the man. "Where is your sponge," Ethan asked in that breathy voice that turns on Kenny so much. Kenny opened his eyes handing him the sponge and soap. "Turn around," Kenny turned around his heart skyrocketing in his chest as he held the tilted wall making sure to not push his ass against Ethan's dick.  He was dying. Kenny wanted more of Ethan, his ass was in need but it was embarrassing, he has to control himself no matter how much he wants that beautiful dick inside him.

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