Chapter 14- Rewritten.

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Know that you are in my heart
And you have my sympathy
During these dreary times.

Continuation from where we left so don't get confused.

Enjoy lol !!! Love you all.


Kenny had woken up a few minutes ago but he couldn't move a muscle still thinking of the things he had done to Ethan which the man didn't deserve in the first place. Ethan didn't tell Kenny to fall for him, he didn't ask Jesus to be created with jaw-dropping features. Just because he was scared of his own feelings, he went ahead and put all the blame on the poor man who was now still fighting for his life. What if he doesn't make it, Kenny didn't want to think about it but he promised himself that if Ethan came out alive, he would try and treat him well.

Kenny wasn't sick anymore, he kissed Ethan, yes, and he liked it so much that he would do it again if given a chance but Kenny wasn't that guy, he would never be that guy. All Kenny is going to do is keep his distance from the man and make sure to not cross paths but if they accidentally do, Kenny will be nice and walk away as long as he keeps his distance then everything will be better.

Kenny will be fine.

He will go and live his life and this time around, Kenny will try and date. He will get a girlfriend and have the family he always dreamed of without Ethan disturbing his heart. Maybe he can even move to another state, that was a great idea. Kenny smiled at himself but he couldn't help to stop a tear from getting out of his eye.

No matter how much he denies it, he knew the moment he kissed Ethan, all those things came back. The way his heart twisted, the way Ethan made his stomach fill with butterflies, no woman had ever made him feel like that. Not even Mary. Kenny knew he was fucked without repair but he was going to fight it, he fought it before, and he can do it again. He knew he could.

He pulled on his hair flustered, if he was to start, he had to start now.

Then why was he still in the hospital?

It takes one phone call, only one fucken phone call and Ethan's family will be here in a snap of a finger but just the mere leaving without knowing how he is, makes his heart arch.

He sat up cleaning his eyes quickly when Max came in. He will look pathetic if this stranger sees him cry over a silly thing like love. "Are they out," He asked in that confident deep voice as if he wasn't crying a minute ago.

"Yeah, the doctor is asking for his family," Max replied. Kenny got off the bed pulling on his shoes not even asking Max why he was on the bed coz he was sure he dozed off on the bench but he was on the bed, though he didn't need to ask coz of course Max cleared that mystery.

"I asked the doctors to help me carry you here, you were not comfortable sleeping on the bench," Max said "I thought you needed some rest," he added making Kenny nod.

"How is he," Kenny asked reaching the tired doctor.

"Are you a family member," the doctor asked typing on his tablet.

"A friend," Just saying the word made his body weaken. In his mind, he knows he can't be Ethan's friend, he never even thought about it before. Since he met Ethan, the only thing he wanted from the man was one thing and Kenny couldn't help to bite the bottom of his lips to stop himself from thinking about it. It can never happen and even if he accepts it, Ethan wasn't that guy, he heard him say it back at the cabin loud and clear but again, why would he kiss him back? He would have pushed him away but he didn't. or Ethan was that sick he couldn't fathom who he was kissing. Just the thought made Kenny panic, What if Ethan starts to make fun of him? He...

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