Chapter 11- Rewritten.

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If you always do what you've always done,
You'll always get what you always got,
And you'll always feel what you always felt.


"Kenny wake up," Ethan shook him awake but the man just pulled the jacket over his head sleeping again like he was in a comfortable bed. Ethan chuckled at the cuteness of the man. He had never thought he would see Kenny in this light. Ethan pulled the jacket off his head "We have to move Kenny," Ethan said again sitting on the log as he watched Kenny who groaned sitting up with pouty lips.

Ethan chuckled and he knew, definitely the man wasn't a morning person. He continued gazing at him giving him time to gather himself so that they could move and no matter how much Ethan wanted to look away he couldn't. Waking up with Kenny fast asleep in his warm embrace made Ethan feel like he had accomplished so much in just one month. Ethan has never failed to get out of bed before but today was so hard to move away from the man. Only Kenny's scent drives Ethan crazy.

Ethan didn't know this feeling, he never felt it before with his ex-girlfriends but since he saw Kenny outside that cabin something deep inside him snapped. Hugging Kenny against that tree was something Ethan never knew he wanted or better yet needed. He forced himself to pull away when thoughts he never had before consumed his mind.

When he woke up today, all he wanted was to stay close to Kenny and never let go. Ethan can't believe what he has done this morning, he spent thirty minutes watching, looking, and memorizing Kenny's pale face. Not even a second did Ethan look away. He watched how the man's lips parted when he breathed and how long his eyelashes were.

He even measured Kenny's forehead to see how long it was. That's how far he went. Sigh...

Ethan knew Kenny was handsome hell everyone knew it but waking up with him beside him, watching his beautiful pale face sleeping so peacefully, like he didn't have a care in the world made Ethan's heart warm up in his chest. Ethan couldn't believe what he did next, he brought his hands and traced the man's lashes, they were so soft, and he loved touching them. Ethan noticed how comfortable he slept with Kenny in his chest.

He was not in bed, nor did he have the covers to cover himself But to Ethan, it was a night to remember. Kenny stretched and Ethan's eyes traveled to that muscular body, he couldn't help but to bite his lips wanting to touch the man like he never touched anyone.

Ethan was getting scared now, Where did these feelings come from? They are attacking him in full force and he seems to not have control over them. He was trying not to look but his eyes had other ideas. Is it because of that Seth kid putting ideas into his head, Ethan was sure he wasn't into men, if he was wouldn't he have noticed it before, But why all of a sudden was he eyeing Kenny like a piece of meat?

Or it's because he was horny, he had not touched anyone since Penny his ex-girlfriend and that was two years ago. It has to be, Ethan was convinced of that fact. His friends were right, he needed to get laid soon. Maybe these feelings would be gone or it was because he had taken too long without hugging someone like he hugged Kenny last night.

Or it's because Kenny helped him. That could be it, Ethan was sure about that fact. He had been thinking those thoughts since he woke up and he came to a conclusion, it's because he was horny and Kenny was the only person here, that made sense so he stopped panicking. "Let's go," Kenny handed him his jacket which he threw over his shoulder and stood up, and they started moving silently.

They moved for one hour and a half until Kenny leaned over touching his knees in tiredness. "Is this route leading us somewhere or we are moving blindly," he asked wiping sweat from his forehead using his shirt. Thank God it was sunny.

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