Chapter 6- Rewritten

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It's hard to live alone,
Harder to choose someone to love,
But hardest is to admit that you are
Falling in love with someone
Who can never be yours.


Paul woke up the next morning feeling like his ass wasn't his, never had he felt this kind of arch in his body before. He groaned inwardly taking deep breaths as he sat up messaging his lower back. He winced at the pain and cursed under his breath, I can't even sit, how about walking? He thought.

He peered to his left and saw the young man who rocked his world sleeping peacefully. How can someone take you to heaven in just five minutes, Paul thought that never existed in life but he felt it yesterday and damn, it was fantastic.

Paul admired the beauty of the boy for a few minutes, messy black hair was in different positions, his chest puffing up and down, he can trace the lines of his abs, and his eyes couldn't help but wander to the boy's half-hard dick which was on display. Paul wondered how the heck that fit in his ass, no wonder he was in pain. Paul couldn't stop admiring how well this boy was created. God really spent a little more time on him. He gasped, blinking rapidly at his thoughts. Paul knows this isn't right. He was like a pedo who took advantage of this innocent boy, and Paul felt shitty.

How could he do this?

He stumbled out of the bed ignoring the scorching pain in his back as he started looking for his clothes. Paul had never imagined being in a position like this in his entire life. This was so embarrassing. He hurriedly pulled on his clothes using the highest speed in the book of history praying for the young man to not wake up.

What could they talk about after what they did last night? How would he look in his eyes, He felt ashamed and disgusted by himself. His actions weren't good and promised to never step foot in this house or do something shameful like this again and never see the young boy.

He even didn't do what brought him here, Mek is going to kill him if his son destroys his house. What will Paul say when he was busy letting a younger boy fuck him senselessly.

Paul fucked up big time, he should have refused and walked away last night as simple as that but Jimmy's hands on his thigh, touching places no one had ever bothered to touch made him crazy. If he had bought a prostitute the day before he was sure he would have pushed Jimmy away but he was horny and on top of that, it was new. However that wasn't an excuse, he took advantage of the drunken boy.

Kenny told him to go live a little. Not fucking teenagers. He really gonna regret this for for the rest of his life. Hopefully, John didn't make things worse cause he didn't know how he would answer Mek but that was at the back of his mind. Right now all he wants was to get the fuck out of here.

Paul walked to the door carefully and unlocked it slowly looking right and left not wanting anybody to see him. This is what they call a walk of shame. Paul almost laughed. He was acting like a teenager and why the hell was Paul experiencing this at this old age? He wondered. Never in his life would he picture himself doing this kind of thing but here he was tiptopping out of the teenager's party with his shoes clasped tightly in his hands and making sure not to wake the sleeping drunk teenagers who were snoozing on the floor.

The cool cold air hit his face as he closed his eyes and sighed deeply swaggering to his car and had trouble sitting still but he forced himself not wanting to spend another minute here and drove off praying to God that this was just a one-night stand that would never happen again.

What he didn't know was that this was just the beginning of his love story.


"Mom what's wrong," Ethan asked as soon as he walked into the kitchen finding his dad cuddling the crying Rose tightly who was sniffling. Ethan got worried thinking something horrible happened until he heard the reason for this sad dramatic moment. His mom was too much sometimes.

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