Chapter 12- Rewritten.

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People change,
And forget to tell each other.


"I can't go on" Ethan had tried to bite back the pain forcing himself to move with one leg while Kenny supported him with his shoulder and held a stick in the other hand but he couldn't swallow it any longer. He was in too much pain. His body was shivering with a high fever, body burning a So sweating at the same time making Kenny confused and scared. Kenny and never been in this kind of situation where the only thing he has to do is walk and walk not even knowing where the road leads. He was frustrated and angry.

He couldon't sleep last night after the events that happened but no matter how much he wanted to sleep, he couldn't stop thinking, about the kiss and most importantly Ethan's condition wasn't that good to start with so he stayed up all night taking care of him even though he didn't have much to do but watching the man was the only option to take care of him.

Kenny had never been in a situation where he was stuck like he was in this damn forest, it was better when Ethan was fine, the man looked for food and knew how to light a fire but now the man was sick and on the verge of dying Kenny can't do shit, They had to sleep in utter coldness because he was useless.

"Ethan we have to move, You need medical attention as soon as possible, poison is spreading really quickly," Kenny reasoned eyeing Ethan's injured leg. It was now all swollen from the toes to his mid-thigh. "I would have carried you but I'm so tired, no energy in my body left. Two days without eating," Kenny added trying to move but Ethan couldn't, he was making it hard for Kenny.

"I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore I am very..." Ethan didn't finish when he collapsed. Kenny panicked kneeling down and trying to help him.

"Ethan," he tore his shirt and tied it around Ethan's thigh "Push yourself up and get on my back," Even though he didn't have the energy he had to force himself at least for Ethan. If it happened to him, Ethan would have done anything for him to be better Kenny was sure about that.

"No," Ethan whispered sharply.

"Don't be stubborn, this way we will be quicker," Kenny growled helping him sit up but Ethan just pulled him close to his face.

"I have always wanted to know why you hate me so much, I never understood it, honestly," Ethan said his tired droopy eyes looking directly into Kenny's "I always thought that you are a merciless asshole," Ethan smiled "But spending this little time with you, changed everything I ever thought of you," he continues

"Don't say idiotic things and Save your energy, Get on my back we go before it gets dark," Kenny moved away but Ethan wasn't done and pulled into him again.

"I'm really grateful for this, thank you," Ethan coughed "Just leave me here and go, Kenny," Ethan whispered touching Kenny's cheek softly.

"I am not leaving you asshole," Kenny gave him a scowl and said firmly looking around for anything that could help as Ethan intertwined fingers with him.

"It's not about debating Kenny," Ethan breathed out "At least let one of us survive please for once listen to me, I won't forgive myself if something happens to you," Ethan reasoned a tear spilling out of his eyes.?

"And you think I will be better," Kenny admitted holding Ethan's head softly his own body shaking due to the tiredness and hunger.

"Please just..."

"Stop saying no sense, I am heartless but I'm not as heartless as you think," Kenny snorted blinking his own tears away. Not in his life had he ever thought he would be in such a situation without a solution.

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