Chapter 17- Rewritten

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I want to say I deserve better and mean it,
I want to say I give up and believe it,
I want to say I am moving and doing it.


"You not taking him anywhere," Brad stood between Kenny and Ethan like a protective bear. Ethan rolled his eyes sighing deeply that his father had taken this far.

"Brad, I trust him, just follow us behind," Ethan sighed trying to convince the tough guy. Kenny looked at Ethan not believing that he said he trusts him. It was a shock to him and his heart filled with happiness but again scared. He hated the delicious tingles that ran down his spine.

He hates how Ethan makes him feel.

"He is not on the list to visit you, sir," Brad said. "I'm doing my job sir"

"I know, let's go Kenny" Ethan ignored Brad which made the man click his teeth in anger. Kenny moved forward to help Ethan and again Brad stopped him.

"I said you're not going anywhere, Mr. Hurt please go back inside, your safety is important here and your father gave me strict rules," Brad commanded.

This was his chance to chicken out, "Maybe I will see you another time," this was his opportunity to not talk about it. Maybe Ethan doesn't even recall the kisses.

"No Kenny," Ethan protested quickly glaring at Brad, why was he being difficult "If you don't let me pass consider yourself fired," Ethan said in a low deep threatening voice. He knew he was just doing his job but commanding him was another issue, no one talks to him like that. Who does he think he is?

"Mr. Hurt said..." He was cut off by Ethan putting his hand up

"Say another word and you're out of here" Ethan was getting impatient, he wanted to see Kenny and talk to him. This was his chance.

"Kenny help me please," Ethan smiled at him softly but Kenny knew he was pissed, if Brad still loves his job, Kenny would advise him to let Ethan pass.

"But sir" Brad tried again

"I don't want to see you here when I come back," Ethan gritted his teeth. This was disrespectful.

After that Brad didn't utter another word, he let Kenny wheel Ethan with him following behind them slowly. Ethan turned around and saw Brad following them "Don't follow me, Brad, I swear to God you will regret it"

"But sir I have..."

"Let me put this clear, you're fired, Brad"

"You can't fire me, you need protection," Brad stated getting on Ethan's nerves.

"Haha don't taste me Brad, just go," Ethan said softly his face turning red pissed off at Brad.

"I'm not leaving your side Sir," Brad yelled at Ethan, who covered his ears at the loud noise his eyes wide

"You didn't do what I think you did," Ethan blinked "Kenny can I borrow your phone please" Kenny was surprised at Ethan's calmness, if it was him Brad had shouted at he would be six feet under. Kenny handed him his mobile phone dialing a number.

"If you don't come and take this bodyguard you hired this minute, he will be sleeping in prison" Ethan didn't let his father say anything as he hung up "Let's go" Ethan smiled at Kenny who wheeled him away.

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