Chapter 18- Rewritten

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When something bad happens,
Something good happens in return because
No matter what you do somebody is
Looking out for you and you never know
Who that could be?


Kenny groaned in annoyance when the first thing he saw this early in the morning was Mary smiling at him creepily. Kenny never in his life had he ever made a mistake like this. Kenny never spends nights with the people he fucks and he never takes them to his house, only hotel rooms. So how much was Kenny fucked to the extent he slept at Mary's. He threw the covers away and walked to the bathroom relieving himself.

"Morning handsome" Mary's smile was wider than the sea. Kenny knew he had fucked up but he can't turn back the time now can he.

"How are you Mary," he greeted pulling on his pants when he came out of the bathroom.

"Never been better, let's go get some breakfast" Mary suggested still smiling widely.   This was the first time Kenny had spent a night with her. Even when they started hooking up back in Mexico, Kenny never once slept on the same bed, only when he was fucking her but if not that, Kenny never sleeps in the same bed with her. That's why she was so surprised when she asked Kenny to spend the night yesterday and he agreed without protest. That made her happy. After years of wanting the man, Kenny was finally coming along.

Mary stood up and walked toward Kenny who was in the middle of pulling on his shirt. She stood in front of him and tiptoed on her toes wanting to kiss him but Kenny moved his lips, pecking his cheek. Mary saw red, She thought Kenny was falling for her and that made her happy, at least the long wait was finally paying off but why was Kenny acting strange?

They had a wild night which she thought they enjoyed to the fullest.

"I'm in a hurry Mary I don't have time for breakfast" Kenny picked up his suit jacket and walked out without another glance leaving the woman heart broken. The woman moved to the city because of him but Kenny pretends not to see it. Mary wears her heart in her eyes always. She makes sure to be available for him but the man only wants one thing and that's her pussy after he gets out as if nothing happened and nowadays it is becoming worse.

She was furious, angry as she started smashing and trashing everything in the room, she felt ashamed, humiliated and disrespected. She has done everything in her power to get to this point but the way Kenny didn't even look at her made her mad, what does she have to do to get him?

Her eyes started to water making her beautiful face wet. She loves Kenny so much it hurts why can't he love her, after all what they did last night Kenny was passionate and the way he looked at her and fucked her was amazing. She will get him no matter what. Mary vowed standing up from the floor and looking herself in the mirror wiping the tears from her eyes. She stared at herself with determination in her eyes.

"I will get you, Kenny, you will be mine"


"Is Linda in" Kenny asked the receptionist who nodded in response typing something on her desktop. Kenny didn't go to his house, he felt like he needed to talk to someone about the decision he was about to make.

"Let me inform her sir" Kenny nodded rubbing his jawline deep in thought, Ethan was making him lose his mind "Come in sir, she is waiting for you" he walked into Linda's office.

"Kenny, what brings you here? We must meet tomorrow," Linda pointed out smiling. Thank God her next client will be here in one hour, she has time to spare.

"I want to go after Ethan," Kenny blurted out as he paced around the woman's office.

"What?" Linda asked in surprise.

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