Chapter 37. Rewritten

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I can't wait for you to
Scoop me up in those big
Strong arms.

Dedicated this chapter sherry7666 for reading and voting on my book. I appreciate it so much, God bless you. Love you, girl.

Authors note.

I'm really sorry for the late update, I have been going through shit and I couldn't find time to write or do anything. But I promise, updates are going to be frequent. I will update every Monday. Once again, I'm so sorry.

Enjoy double updates today. Until next time. Thanks for loving and reading this story.


Ethan was like a zombie the whole meeting. If you ask him if he listened to anything that was discussed he would be lying. He just hummed and nodded the whole meeting. His head was messed up. They were fine yesterday, they slept happy, and they woke up happy. Kenny was the one who seduced him. All Ethan did was to deliver. He thought that's what the man wanted. Ethan was thinking too hard, what could he possibly have done to make Kenny cry like that?

The man is always so collected and never shows emotions. He is always tough but what happened this time? Ethan thought he hurt him somehow but Kenny was walking perfectly just a small limp which was bound to happen since Ethan was brutal but what did he do to piss the man off. To be given a silent treatment. Ethan racked his brain to search for something but there wasn't any.

They both agreed to go bare. Kenny had a right to refuse. Ethan wasn't gonna force him. So what made the man give him a silent treatment?

He squeezed his eyes tightly feeling them hurt. What he didn't know was that he was pushing his nails into his palm which was starting to bleed but Ethan didn't feel anything. He was gritting his teeth in anger but nothing was calming him down. Why can't they have a civil conversation? Why can't they sit down and talk if something is wrong "Ethan are you ok," Andy asked worriedly running to the man who had trashed his entire office.

"Ethan what...oh God what happened," that voice made him look up seeing the last person he didn't want to see him like this.

"Dad," Ethan gasped looking around his office too. "I... I was searching for something," he cleared his throat embarrassed. It's clear as day that he threw everything on purpose. Ethan has never done this but Kenny makes him lose his mind. The little shit.

"I called your intercom but you didn't answer so I decided to come and inform you that your dad is here," Andy said looking around the trashed office. This was the first time he saw Ethan behave like this.

"It's fine," Ethan was controlling himself.

"Your hand son," Shawn lugged to his son to check his bleeding hand. "Andy first aid kit," he said in panic.

"Dad I'm fine," Ethan pulled his bleeding hand out of his hands embarrassed at what he did. Andrea came back with the first aid kit and one of the cleaners who started cleaning the trashed office. Even though Ethan said he was fine, Shawn put a bandage on his hand without listening to him.

"What happened," Shawn asked in worry.

"Nothing," Ethan shrugged.

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