Chapter 56. Reweitten.

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I wanna hug you tight,
I wanna kiss your lips,
I wanna make you feel wanted
I wanna call you mine
I wanna hold you forever
My sweetheart I miss you dearly.

Read Chapter 55 before this. Double update.


"Your wound reopened," Kenny pointed out as he got off Ethan's now soft dick with a mischievous smile.

"You say it now after getting what you want," Ethan sat up putting a cloth on his now bleeding wound on his shoulder. He hissed at the pain that followed with the action realizing now that it was a bad idea to have sex with Kenny when he knew that the man had huge stamina. He almost broke him. Kenny used all his energy on him knowing he wasn't fully healed. Like Ethan was on his hundred percent when he well knew he wasn't. It's not like Ethan wasn't in the mood for the man, to hell he is always in the mood for the man but he should have waited until at least when he was fully healed.

Kenny snickered beside him "Don't pretend you didn't like it," He said getting off the bed and showing of his perfect muscular body which made Ethan lick his lips. Ethan can't get enough of the man and it frightens him. He is from fucking the man three fucking times but just seeing his naked form, Ethan wants to be inside him again and again and again and make that ass cream his cum like it was doing. Ethan cursed under his breath as he looked between his legs seeing his dick back to life. Will a day come when he gets tired of Kenny? Ethan gets addicted and addicted each passing day.

Kenny came back with the first aid kit and started patching the wound up. Ethan gazed at him dressing his wound and wondered how he got so fucken lucky. He couldn't believe that he made this handsome gorgeous man to be his. He gazed at him working his wound so concentrated and admired the beauty. Ethan Was in love with everything that Kenny had. His eyes, full lips, sharp nose, sharp jaw, and mostly his perfect body. Ethan had never fallen for anyone like he was right now. Looking at Kenny he sees a future with the man. He sees them growing old together.

Ethan doesn't know if he was getting ahead of himself with this but this is what he feels. He feels like this is what he has been waiting for, this is what he has been looking for all those years and Ethan is going to make sure he keeps it as long as he can.

"What do you think of..." Kenny trailed off pulling on his boxer beliefs after dressing the wound up. He took a seat opposite Ethan and took a deep breath. "Of my dad and your brother," he bit his lips nervously and Ethan didn't miss the way it made him uncomfortable.

"I haven't thought much about it really," Ethan shrugged "All I thought about was you dumping me for it," Ethan added looking at Kenny to read his face but the man had blacked it out.

"It's weird you know," Kenny sighed Looking down at the bed "My dad with your brother. Me and you, it's complicated and weird," Kenny voiced out his worries.

"I know," Ethan agreed.

"If we are to be together..."

"We are going to be together. Nothing is going to stop me from being with you Kenny, get that," Ethan was so serious about this.

"Oh shit, you looked and talked like your brother," Now Kenny can see the full resemblance between the brothers. The determination was at the highest peak.

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