Chapter 55. Rewritten

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Lonely not because...
Am alone it's because
Am surrounded by
Everyone... expect you.
I Miss you so much,
If the stars can tell how much I miss you
That would be much.



Jimmy was so stressed and angry at himself that he let go of the one thing that meant everything in his life. Jimmy wasn't the same since Paul left him. He hates himself for not trying so hard. Though, you can't blame him, he had never seen that look in Paul's eyes since he met him. The way the man looked at him like he was ready to murder him made Jimmy let go. He wanted to protest so badly, he wanted to beg but at that moment Jimmy was lost. He didn't know what to do to make Paul take back his words.

Though Jimmy didn't give up on the old man, he kept looking for the older man. He went to his office, his house but it was the same. Paul didn't even look at him once. No matter how much Jimmy begged and pleaded, Paul didn't take a glance at him. Jimmy is coming confused, he didn't know what to do to make the old man at least talk to him. Jimmy sighed loudly pushing the food around the plate.

He was so sad.

"Ok, I have had had enough," Rose said catching her family's attention. Shawn, Jimmy, And Ethan who was discharged from the hospital days ago looked at the woman. Ethan's hand hadn't healed so very well but at least now he could do things for himself as long as he didn't put too much energy on it "You've been moody, not eating food, and looking all sad. Tell me what is wrong darling," Rose put her soft hand on top of Jimmy's who leaned against his chair trying so hard to control the tears that were trying to roll down his cheek.

"I got dumped Mum," he whispered, finally not being able to control the flow of his tears.

"What?" Rose asked in confusion. "You have a girlfriend," she stuttered out.

"A boyfriend," Jimmy rectified wiping the tears away.

"Ok, I didn't know that you were dating," Rose didn't mind so much since they knew he liked both genders. She glared at Shawn to see if he was surprised like she was but sadly no, meaning he knew. "What happened? Why did he dump you," Rose asked lowly looking at Shawn who instantly looked down. Ethan was also curious to know what happened. He has never talked to Jimmy since their conversation in the hospital, he didn't know what had happened after Jimmy met up with his old man.

"I wish I knew," Jimmy said in thought "I think it's because of his son," He thought again.

"He has a son," Rose asked

"A 29-year-old," Jimmy Said making Rose's eyes widen in shock. "He is 45 by the way," Jimmy gave his mother and dad a look wanting to see what they were going to say. Rose gulped looking at Shawn for help but the man just shrugged going back to his food as if he didn't hear anything.

"O-ok," Rose stuttered out getting curious as to why her husband was not saying anything about this matter. The Shawn she knows would have been on his feet to protest. She shrugged it off. Her son needs her.

"I love him, mum, I'm so lost I don't know what to do," Jimmy looked at his mum with teary eyes.

"Is his son against it," Rose asked softly her heart breaking for her youngest.

"I don't know really. We were happy, he was determined to tell his son about us and he was willing to fight for us. Then out of the blue, he dumped me and then I found out that he didn't even meet his son that day. I'm confused really. What made him dump me," Shawn gulped making sure to not look at Jimmy or his wife.

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