Chapter 28. Rewritten.

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Seeing your face every morning,
Is something I live for all day,
And hearing your voice
Makes my day brighter than the sun.


"Sir Mary is here," Sarah said through the intercom making Kenny glare at it, he didn't want interruption right now but due to hearing the name, he sighed heavily thinking why the woman was there. Kenny hurriedly told Sarah to let her in, it might be important. If it wasn't she wouldn't have wasted her time coming all the way here, Mary is not the kind of woman who burges without a reason or calling first.

He leaned back and waited for the woman to come in. Mary came in wearing a short blue fitted dress that looked so good on her body and if Kenny didn't promise a certain someone to never sleep around, he would bend Mary over the table and fuck her until she couldn't walk but just the thought, makes him shiver, if some possessive bitch finds out, he would never give him a dick.

He sighed.

Kenny hates that he has to listen to him just to get it. Fuck him and his beautiful dick but Kenny was burning inside in pleasure just at the thought of that cock being in his mouth or tasting him. Damn, Ethan tasted good that day, and Kenny became obsessed.

He smiled up at Mary shaking off all the thoughts from him. He stood up from his chair and gave her a small hug and kisses on both her cheeks. "Is everything alright," Kenny asked when he saw the worried and sad look in her eyes.

"Nothing is alright," Kenny was taken aback at the tone that came out of her. She had never dared to speak to him like this. What was the problem?

"Don't shout at me," Kenny warned with dark eyes. "You know I don't like it so calm the fuck down and talk to me," Kenny sat down as he looked up at the red-haired woman who was looking at him with pissed angry eyes.

"Why don't you want me, am I not sexy enough for you," Mary asked after taking in deep breaths and calming herself. She clutched her tiny fists at her side glaring at Kenny. Kenny didn't miss the way her body was shaking and the way her eyes were red.

"Mary, we talked about it," Kenny thought it was something big but this. After promising Ethan to never fuck Mary, as soon as Kenny came back from Arizona he made sure to stop whatever he had with Mary. Mary was pissed that he stood her up that day but it was all worth it. He once again got something incredible out of it. If Ethan thinks, tying him up on the bed was a punishment then he has to think twice coz to Kenny it was pleasurable and new.

He loved it so much and waking up seeing that face that hunts him every time was a dream come true. Kenny almost smiled at how they showered together and had breakfast in bed. The way Ethan kissed him good morning, Kenny still felt Ethan's lips lingering on his. It was like they were lovers at that very moment. Kenny was surprised at how comfortable they were as if they had known each other for years which they had but the chemistry was so new.

"We've been fucking for years, Kenny, you've been wanting me for years and now you say you are tired," She spits out angrily making Kenny sigh and push all those hunted memories out of his mind as he looked at Mary.

"We were friends with benefits, this was bound to happen," Kenny didn't get her at all. They agreed to fuck whenever they needed each other so why was she making it an issue. He really doesn't get it. It's the same with Ethan, if he gets enough of him, Kenny will toss him away and go to the next one. That's how it works. He never promised anyone anything more. It's just that Ethan is a demanding bitch and he hates it. He takes things seriously, too bad Kenny needs him now, he would have tossed him away but Kenny knew better.

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