Chapter 45. Rewritten

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To taste the sweetness of life,
You may have the power to forget the past,
And enjoy what's to come.


"I can't believe you're into this," Kenny snorted looking around nerves skyrocketing. He had never thought that a day would come when he would find himself seated on the opposite side of another man doing a very ridiculous thing he had never thought of doing. Why do people even do this kind of thing, so cheesy and boring. if it wasn't for the love he feels for Ethan, he would be damned to be here? That's why he hates love, just because the man looked at him like he was the only man out there, made Kenny feel those sparks and he didn't think twice about it. so here he was on a date with Ethan all dressed up like Ethan had never seen him wear casual clothes before.

"This is romantic love," The man smiled widely making Kenny's heart beat rapidly. The man can't hide how happy he was to be here. Only seeing that smile made Kenny tolerate this a little longer. He loves to see Ethan smile like this. Smile at him, only him.

"Romantic my ass," Kenny muttered taking a long gulp of his wine.

"You're not a romantic guy," Kenny snorted instantly.

"I hate that shit," Kenny said without skipping a bit. He really hates this type of cheesy thing. What the fuck is the importance of sitting at a round table with the person you love eating food when all they should be doing was making love until they can't breathe or until they pass out.

Ethan signed looking at him with a smile not affected by his lover's words "Don't worry I will make you unhate it," he whispered with a flirty smile.

"Is that even a word," Kenny snickered pushing a hand through his hair wanting to hold the man next to him.

"In my books it is," Ethan says smiling widely as he bit his lips  "I will make you love it so much that if the time comes you will crave it and start doing it too,"

"Sorry to disappoint but that won't happen.," Kenny was serious.

"I have been holding back because I was scared but now that I'm not, wait for it, my love. My one and only love. I will show you love until the day you die,"

"Stop being cheesy, fuck"

"You love my cheesiness." Ethan retorted.

"God I should have let you go," Kenny muttered under his breath. "So this is all we have to do on a date, eat and do nothing other than being all cheesy. If so, that's what I do with my friends all the time," Kenny deadpanned changing the topic

"You heard yourself, with your friends," Ethan smiled "This is different, you're with me,"

"Same shit,"!

"No, my darling," Ethan smiled "We can get to know each other,"

"What's there for me to know, I know all about you," Kenny snorted at how ridiculous this was.

"No you don't," Ethan knows that Kenny knows some stuff about him but he is sure not all of them.

"Believe me, I know you," Kenny insisted.

"What is my favorite color," Ethan asked to be sure.

"Simple," Kenny grinned "Green," Ethan's eyes widened in shock.

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