Chapter 51. Rewritten

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Am at work but the only work
I want to do is make you happy.



Kenny's voice was laced with surprise and confusion at the same time as he watched the red-haired curiously. She stood up and looked at him with a look Kenny had never seen ever since he met the woman back in Mexico a few years back. Mary looked troubled, scared, and regretful at the same time. On top of that, she was tearing up. Kenny had known Mary for years and he would be lying if he said that he had ever seen the woman at her weakest. Mary is the strongest woman Kenny had come to know. Mary had gone through a lot in her life and came out as strong as ever. Even with her parent's divorce, She dealt with it. Even when her mother got sick Mary stayed as strong as ever. She had been working so hard so that her family get the life they deserved.

So seeing her crying and shaking like a leaf made Kenny forget what the woman had done to his car a few weeks ago and felt pity and sad. That's why Kenny moved slowly to where the woman was trembling. He didn't think twice before pulling the woman in his chest and holding her as tight as ever which made Mary break down more.

Even though they have not settled their differences, to Kenny, Mary was a person he loved dearly. Not like the woman wanted to love her of course but Kenny treasured the friendship they had. He treasures all the time Mary had given him without complaint. She always tried to understand him, when he needed someone to talk to she was there.

"What's wrong," he asked after a few minutes with the woman soaking his shirt with tears. Mary held him tighter and tighter every passing second as her life depended on him before she pushed away from him slowly and looked up at Kenny with tears still brimming her blemished cheeks.

"I'm sorry," Mary said softly putting some distance between them. All her face red.

"You would be behind bars if I didn't forgive you," he caressed the red-haired's cheek thumbing away the still-falling tears.

"I'm not saying sorry because of that, I don't regret destroying your car. You deserve it for being an asshole to me," Mary clarified. Kenny rolled his eyes knowing that that was true. If Mary was sorry about that, she would have said sorry a long time ago.

"What is it then," Kenny looked at her curiously. Mary sniffed looking everywhere but Kenny as she muttered the thing Kenny had been trying so hard to keep a secret.

"I know about you and Ethan," Kenny felt his body stiffen at the words. At that moment he felt like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole as he looked at Mary with shocked eyes.

"W-wh..." he was lost for words. His mouth was opening and closing not knowing what to say to the red-haired. She knew about him and Ethan. Kenny had been careful, what gave them away.

"The jealousy got to me " Mary inhaled deeply pulling on her fingers not seeing how scared Kenny was. "I started following you and..."

"Who else knows," Kenny scowled feeling fire ignite within his soul.

"The Morrison family," Mary was quick to reply seeing how Kenny was ready to kill anyone at this point.

"Who the fuck is that,"

"The ones who ambushed Ethan," Mary was shaking. The way Kenny was looking at her made her body shake in fear. "I'm the one who told Seth to take Ethan away. But...but I didn't know they would kill those people or shoot him," Mary continued before Kenny could say anything.

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