Chapter 1-Rewritten.

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Okay guys here we are as promised.

Ability is what you're capable of doing
Motivation determine what you do and,
Attitude determines how well you do it,
But deep inside you know what you want;


Kenny James Knight owned the biggest fashion and design company in North Carolina, he had made a name for himself being one of the youngest richest men in the whole of North Carolina. He had won many awards and his brand sold more than five million in just one month making it one of the most popular companies on the block. Last year his company took first place in the business world and he has the trophy seated in his house to prove it.

He built his million-dollar company at only the age of twenty. He came up with the idea when he was in high school, he was a great designer and he knew that's what he wanted to do in the future and he thought big. First of all, he had the brains, was very intelligent and smart, just looking at something he knew what would become out of it before pressing a pencil on the paper, the teachers were impressed.

Not to boost but everyone was impressed by his performance.

When he turned nineteen, he thought of doing something different which never existed in the whole of North Carolina. He admired Victoria's Secret and most designers around the whole world, which motivated him to build his company.

He went to the bank and bid on his father's property which was worth 50 thousand dollars to get a loan, he knew the plot of land was in his name, and his dad made it as an investment for him in the near future and Kenny thought why not use it now instead of waiting for the future. Kenny has a saying, today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow.

So it was then and then.

That's how he found himself seated in front of the loaner and presenting his father's plot of land which he took without the man's knowledge. His father wasn't that rich like now but Kenny needed this more than he never needed a wet pussy before. He decided to take a risk.

If you don't take a risk, that means you're not a businessman.

That's what kept going through his mind all the time seated there waiting for the money to be deposited in his account. He was confident and most of all, he believed in himself, that in a year, he would be a millionaire and get the land back. He kept convincing himself coz he counted his math correctly and Kenny was never wrong, he proved it by doing exactly what he thought of.

Kenny's father fumed with anger when he found out what his stubborn son did and called him instantly arguing about it but since Kenny was good at convincing people he found himself convincing his dad. That's how he made it this far, he knows what he is doing. Though it wasn't the same with his mother, Molly, how can it be the same when they never once agreed on anything with the woman? All his mother thought about was, what if it failed and they went bankrupt and everything would be taken away from them?

No support from the woman but Kenny was used to it by that time after all it didn't matter. Kenny doesn't care about what the woman thinks, he never cared before, and sure he wasn't starting now.

The woman was used to the lifestyle and never saw an investment when it presented itself. She is dumb all she thought about was... what ifs...

Kenny hates what-ifs...

If they went bankrupt what would her friends say, They would see her as a loser, Those were Molly's words which pisssd Kenny off but with time of being with the woman, Kenny knew how to control his emotions. Kenny was good at hiding his inner feelings, only his therapist knew more than Kenny liked but what could he do when the woman was like a magician? Kenny starts talking about his inner demons with one look from the woman.

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