Chapter 7-Rewritten

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Don't be ashamed to be different,
Be proud that God made you like
No one else.

10 years ago

Creamson High was the best school in the whole of North Carolina. Kenny worked so hard to get into the school even though he knew his dad couldn't afford it but he had so many talents and one of them was he knew how to play basketball. Kenny was a sharp child and knew what to do to get into the school. With too much work and commitment, he scored himself a scholarship to play basketball coz Creamson High students sucked at it.

For three years he made sure he brought the trophy and he was sure he would bring it back again this year. That was the only way he secured a place at the school and don't forget how smart the man was. He got all As in each subject even though he wasn't the type to sit down and read like other students but what no one knew was that the man revised every night in his room without anyone knowing including his father. He made the man proud and all Paul sacrifices didn't go to waste.

Kenny didn't fit in with rich kids but he was an extrovert type and in time his name was known through the halls of the entire school and oh... he loved the popularity. It was hard to not like him, Kenny was an amazing and outgoing lad except for one person.

"Hey are you lost," Kenny asked the girl who was looking up at the school building seeming like she didn't know where to go or do. Looking at the girl, Kenny knew immediately that she was new. If she wasn't, she wouldn't have passed his grasp. Kenny had fucked all the beautiful girls at the school.

"Yeah the school is huge I don't know where the principal's office is," The girl said lowly in that sweet voice of hers. Kenny smiled, he was right, she was new.

"I can show you if you like," he quickly offered

"That would be great," the girl smiled sweetly her eyes shining "Sofia my name is Sofia Scott" She introduced herself shyly glad to meet an angel coz she was so lost.

"What a beautiful name," Kenny said as they started moving inside the school building "Kenny," he introduced too.

"As in Kenneth," Sofia asked

"No beautiful just Kenny," he smiled as they walked through the hallway Not too many students around. Kenny always got up early in the morning for practice, it mattered so much in his life than sleep. He hates to be called Kenneth, it just doesn't make sense.

"Here is the principal's office beautiful," Sofia blushed and Kenny knew instantly that she had fallen for his charms, he didn't have to do so much for girls to fall on their knees before him. He didn't have to offer them money to go on their knees, Creamson chicks already had money but he had the looks of a prince and he had the brains and Kenny didn't know why girls loved it so much when he was on the court playing, but they did so it was so easy for him to get a pussy if he wanted and not thirty minutes had passed but Sofia was already into him.

"Thanks," she smiled at him blushing.

"Happy to help and please sit here and wait for him, It's too early for him to be in his office," Kenny said pointing at the closed door. Sofia nodded gripping her books on her chest. Kenny was about to turn around but he wouldn't be Kenny if he didn't put himself up there, "Put your number in, I mean if you get lost I can come to your rescue," Kenny flirted touching her cheek and smiling. She didn't hesitate to type her number in calling her instantly.

"Call if you need anything pretty," She blushed again nodding and Kenny knew he didn't need to put much effort, he already has her.

He met up with his friend fist bumping each other and talking about who fucked who for like thirty minutes until the bell rang indicating that classes are about to start.

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