Chapter 22. Rewritten.

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Two souls but with a single thought,
Two hearts that beat as one.


They sat across each other on the bed, Paul had already pulled on his pants and a jacket since his shirt was ripped he couldn't put it on but luckily his suit jacket had three buttons which he buttoned showing a little bit of his fair hairy smooth chest but it was ok then having on nothing like Jimmy. Jimmy was only in his boxer briefs showing off his manly hard body which was distracting Paul.

Paul was stronger than that, he could control himself but could he when all he wanted was to touch the boy again until his hands hurt from groping and touching those muscles so hard. Paul had never seen an attractive human being like Jimmy. The boy was built so perfectly. Add those sparkling unique black orbs that look at Paul like he is a treasure. No one had ever looked at Paul like this.

Paul sighed heavily looking away, he wouldn't let this attraction distract him. He was a man on a mission and he is going to fulfill it now. This was the moment of truth but Paul felt his body shudder whenever he looked in Jimmy's eyes. The boy was determined showing him that whatever you're planning to tell me, I wouldn't accept which made Paul worry more.

Was this a mistake? It certainly seems like it coz that look the boy was giving him made Paul know that this was going to be a long convincing which made Paul rethink this stupid plan of his.

He would have never come here, he would have stayed in his bed and forget about Jimmy, he would have taken those sleeping pills and be dead to the world like he always does but his stupid plan made him to get out of his warm yet cold bed and drove the car in the middle of the night and ended up in the room with Jimmy Hurt. He knew standing him up would make the boy give up on him but that didn't work coz Jimmy kept on calling and leaving messages every gaddamn time.

Paul thought he would give up eventually and leave him alone but knowing Jimmy, he wouldn't. Paul wanted this to be over so he decided to come and have a serious conversation with the boy but Jimmy had other ideas which Paul wasn't prepared for but again he enjoyed everything Jimmy did to his body on that door.

Looking at the door Paul felt ashamed yet pleased. That was something. Though he was a little bit disappointed that Jimmy didn't fuck him but whatever, he enjoyed it nevertheless.

Hell, he wants everything Jimmy does to him but they can't be. No matter how much he loves it, it just can't be. "Listen, Jimmy," Paul started swallowing.

"Before you say anything," Jimmy jumped in quickly "No matter what you say, I'm not giving up on you Paul, just wanted to remind you," Paul glared at the boy who had a big grin on his lips.

"Jimmy, we can't be," Paul said grimly "This is all a mistake..."

"A mistake you say," Jimmy snorted cutting in.

"Yes, a mistake that I should have never let happen like ever. I don't know what came over me that day. I'm not that kind of a person, and too bad I can't even blame it on alcohol," Paul sighed in regret. "I'm sorry I harassed you," he admitted in a low voice.

"What the hell are you going on about,"  Jimmy's eyes widened in shock "You didn't harass me. I initiated it and I liked it, Paul. Stop thinking that way," Jimmy wanted to hold his hand but Paul pulled them away which made Jimmy's heart break.

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