Chapter 53. Rewritten

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I just want to know that
Someone out there considers me


Kenny looked at Jimmy Hurt with shocked confused gaze. The boy was looking at him with that determined look that Kenny knew so very well. He always has that same look when he decides to do something, something he knows he will regret later but did it anyway. Sometimes he succeeded and sometimes he didn't. That look that brought him from nothing to someone he was today. And for a moment he saw himself in this young man who was ready to rip anything apart to get what he wanted.

"Huh," Kenny responded dumbly. The response he never said in his life. This was Kenny James Knight, a businessman to heart who had to know how to answer the question being asked but at this very moment, Kenny didn't know how to answer this particular question.

"Don't pretend," Jimmy gritted his teeth putting his hands on Kenny's desk as he repeated in a hard tone "What did you do to Paul," that tone did nothing to Kenny. If Jimmy's intention was to make him shake or scare Kenny then the boy was wrong. He was dealing with Kenny James Knight.

The question was, Why was Jimmy Hurt asking about his dad?

"Paul, as in my dad," Kenny asked calmly trying to understand this fresco.

"Uh uh," Jimmy nodded still determined. He was going to fight for Paul as he promised the man.

"If I may ask, what's your deal with my dad," Kenny took a deep breath not understanding why this boy was looking for his father and the fact he was just demanding not requesting. Kenny hates the way this boy talks. He was seconds away from putting him in his place but he had to remember that this was Ethan's brother. The man he loves.


If he hadn't fallen off the man, he didn't know what would have happened with this boy.

"I know you know my deal with your dad," Jimmy gritted impatiently.

"Matter of fact I don't know," Kenny said gruffly.

"Are you trying to act innocent or...," Jimmy griped some of the papers on Kenny's desk in anger. " I haven't seen him since you had a lunch meeting with him weeks ago," Jimmy said.

"How did you know about that," Kenny asked on higher alert. No one knew he had a meeting with his dad that day which he didn't attend for that matter because things got messed up or Ethan told his brother about it cos he was the only one he told that day but Ethan had been in the hospital for weeks how did he tell his brother about it? Things aren't adding up.

"Just know that I know so where is Paul before I go crazy in here," he threatened

"...." Kenny didn't know what to reply the more he heard the boy's demands. He was still processing the fact that Jimmy and his dad knew each other but the way the boy was demanding answers from him showed that there was something more to this.

"Now tell me where did you put him," Jimmy demanded again. Kenny stood up slowly, legs wobbled. He felt weak in his bones not believing what his mind was telling him. He even never made it to lunch that day which meant he didn't see his father. That was the last day Kenny had talked with him. He was so engrossed in his personal problems and Ethan being shot to remember a lunch date with his dad. When he remembered a few days ago, Kenny had been calling and looking for him everywhere but Paul switched off his phone. He was already stressed about not seeing his father now this young man came here with demands.

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