Chapter 29. Rewritten

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Worrying is a waste of time,
It doesn't change anything,
It messes with your mind
And steals your happiness.


Ethan was busy working in his office when Ryan burged in his office grinning from ear to ear. Ethan lifted his eyes up looking at Ryan with a glare for interpreting him. He had so much work to do to deal with Ryan right now and he needed it done. "Guess what has happened," Ryan said clutching his phone tightly a smile not leaving his lips. He is always happy, that's not new.

"Ryan I'm busy, I don't have time to guess," Ethan said leaning against his chair trailing a pencil in his hands.

"OK ok, this happened just a few minutes ago," Ryan handed his phone to Ethan whose eyes widened in shock at what he was seeing. His jaw hardened in anger looking at the Red-haired smashing Kenny's car. He swallowed hard when he saw Kenny getting out in a hurry looking all handsome and beautiful Ethan wanted to hold him.  Kenny looked at the red-haired woman who was breathing and sweating profusely with anger-filled eyes. Ethan sat upright when she pointed the bat at Kenny who didn't flinch but the murderous look in his eyes showed that he was about to kill someone.

Ethan thought she would hit him and to hell if she did. He would have killed her.

"Do you think destroying my car is going to make me love you," Kenny had said in a small voice almost making sure no one heard but since the person who took the video zoomed in, you could hear, his face twitching in anger.

"Today is the car and next time it will be that slut's head," With that, she pulled her perfect dress down and walked away as if in victory. Ethan felt his blood boil as he watched the red-haired drive off and the video was cut off when Kenny was shouting at his employees. Fuck. He muttered to himself.

"Isn't it fantastic," Ryan grinned.

"That's none of my business," Ethan wanted to believe those words but he knew better than that. It was his business. He was the one who told Kenny to never sleep with her, and now he is suffering from the consequences but part of him was pleased, Kenny did what he told him to do and he was happy.

"He is having trouble with his little girlfriend you should be happy," Ryan didn't understand Ethan. He thought this would amaze him but the way Ethan was acting was strange. Actually, if it was before when Ethan wanted Kenny's head off, Ethan would be rejoicing right now but since he now wants Kenny's mouth on his dick...

"He is not his girlfriend, they were just fucking that's all," Ethan shrugged going back to his work hating that Ryan had to call the woman Kenny's girlfriend. They were not dating, Kenny had just left her because Ethan told him to. He likes it when Kenny does what he is told. If only he stops acting like a bitch and give in to him whole, Ethan was sure they might work.

"You're a weird man but whatever, this made my day," Ryan grinned getting out of his office and muttering that he was going to send it to Cole as he watched the video again and again. As soon as Ryan left him alone, Ethan picked up his phone instantly and the first person he called was a private investigator.

"Follow Mary and report back whatever she does, whoever she meets, everything. I need to know everything," Ethan ordered. After getting an okay, Ethan hung up and sighed deeply as he called Kenny.  Here we go, he knew it wasn't going to be pretty.

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