Chapter 61. Rewritten.

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Love is not a word to say
Love is not a game to play
Love doesn't start in April and ends in may
Love is yesterday, tomorrow and forever.

I dedicated this chapter to DaiMao0 I know how much you love paul, hope this is what your where waiting for. Thanks for the support, I appreciate it so much.


Many things went through Kenny's head as he watched his best friends look at him with curious eyes waiting for him to say something. Kenny wasn't ready for this confrontation to be honest. He and Ethan had just broken up, and all he wanted was some alone time. He had lost the only thing that meant everything in his life but looking through his best friend's eyes he knew he didn't stand a chance to lie or not say anything. Even though all he wanted was to run and hide, or act tough like he always does he knew he didn't stand a chance.

He was panicky and nervous.

He wasn't ready to come out, damn, Kenny wasn't ready for very many things that seemed to happen at once. These were his friends, for fucks sake, the people he had known for decades and the people Kenny trusts. Kenny was scared of what they were going to think of him, he won't deny but whatever would be will be. He was sure they weren't homophobic and they would accept him the way he was but Kenny was scared of himself, he was scared of being a disappointment. He sighed lowly, walked to the couch, and plopped down gritting his teeth.

"Ethan and I have been dating for months now," Kenny decided to throw it out like that. Shock slithered his best friend's eyes and he waited for that disappointed look.

"Say what? months," Ron asked in a shocked voice.

"I knew something changed between you two but I couldn't have thought that it was this big," Micheal said in thought. He saw it on Ethan's birthday and the way Kenny had been defending the man nowadays but he never gave it too much thought. Even the day Ethan came to their company, the man left with swollen lips which meant something happened in that office. They all expected blood flow none of that happened.

"It's not that big," Kenny rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah it's hella big," Micheal said "As in you were at each other's necks for years. You even threw tantrums when you heard his name, he is the reason you have to see Linda. So yeah, it's that big. What changed? What made you two get tangled and start smooching," Micheal asked making signs with his hands and kiss sounds.

"It all started in the forest," Kenny shrugged.

"Why do I feel like that's not the full story," Micheal frowned "I feel like it all started way before," Michael grinned thinking of something.

"Thats what you're getting Micheal," Kenny snarled at him. Getting irritated with the man. Micheal always makes him feel frustrated and he hates him for that.

"For now, one day we will know the full story," Micheal nagged again.

"It's you in the picture," Ron who was quiet asked. Kenny nodded. He won't gain anything if he lies to them. He had already told them so why not tell them the truth?  He pulled out his creaked phone and showed them the actual picture which made his friend's eyes widen in shock. "You look so happy with him," Ron commented. Kenny pulled his phone out of his hands to examine the picture so well and indeed, he looked so happy. His heart is always full when he is with the man. The way his eyes were glistening and sparkling, the way he was relaxed like nothing could touch him if Ethan is there. His glossy lips which were enjoying the man's lips made Kenny's heart hurt.

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