Chapter 26. Rewritten

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If craving something is a crime
Fuck it
I ain't letting it go.


Author's note.

Sexual content ahead guys, enjoy the love, you all guys.

Jimmy couldn't believe that Paul was here next to him. He had tried to get some sleep but he couldn't because of fear that if he woke up the older won't be there besides him, he was scared. This might be a dream and Jimmy doesn't want to wake up. He can't believe that that one call, only one call would make Paul come to him without him begging.

Jimmy wasn't drunk, but when Paul asked if he was, Jimmy just agreed but he didn't expect Paul to actually locate him and come get him. When Paul told him to not move, Jimmy was a hundred percent sure that the man wouldn't show. He was so surprised to see him but he acted cool. All he wanted at that very moment was to hug Paul and make sure he didn't disappear from him ever again.

He tried to keep a distance, he tried to keep Paul out of his thoughts coz he himself wasn't sure what his feelings were. He thought he only wanted Paul because the sex was great but after thinking too much of it, Jimmy knew he wanted Paul more than he thought he would. No one had ever made him feel this way, the way his heart arched for not seeing the older. Jimmy can't even count the times he thinks about him, every passing hour. The man is always in his head rent-free. How much he likes to see the older smile, and how much he misses the man is beyond Jimmy.

Jimmy can't believe that just seeing Paul here makes his heart whole and throb, these past weeks Jimmy's body and mind weren't his. He acts to be fine but when he is in the comforts of his room alone, all he wants, and craves is Paul. Imagine he just held the man last night but Jimmy feels like he had achieved much more than he bargained for. Just being close to the older makes his body relax. The way his heart feels contented is on another level. That's how Jimmy knew, he had fallen head over heels for the man and hell he liked the feeling.

Jimmy wants more than Paul's body. He wants something serious. Jimmy can't believe he wants Paul to be his. It scares him and excites him at the same time.

When they met up last night, Jimmy knew something was off with his baby and he wanted to cheer him up, that's why he took him to karaoke. Who doesn't love it? He begged the Queen of the show to play those specific songs coz he was sure Paul would like them and he was right. He had to pay a lot of money but in the end, it was worth it. Seeing Paul so carefree, singing and almost jumping made Jimmy's heart swell in happiness and he even agreed to spend the night together. It was a win-win for Jimmy and if Jimmy knew that Paul was crazy in love with karaoke he would have taken him there a long time ago and maybe he would have gotten free cuddles from the man.

What Paul didn't know was that Jimmy was also crazy in love with it. They have the same taste in music after all. That shows they are meant for each other.

Jimmy sighed tracing a finger over the man's face. His heart beating rapidly in anticipation. Paul was really a beautiful man but too bad he didn't know it. Jimmy would make sure to tell him how beautiful he is if the man decides to give him a chance. "Jimmy," Jimmy pulled his hand off his face in a hurry. He felt embarrassed. He was caught gawking and carassing the man's pretty face yet he had promised to not do anything, not even touching. But the temptation was so...

"Good morning," he cleared his throat looking down at the older who was also looking at him with those grey eyes that made Jimmy cave in but he had to swallow it down. He promised "Did you have a great night," Jimmy asked again.

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