Chapter 13- Rewritten.

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My heart beats echoes in to the cold street,
Where nightmares and darkness begin to

10 years ago


A week passed since Kenny and Ethan's encounter they both behaved like they didn't have a messy talk. They kept their game as a secret not even telling their best friends what was happening between them. Ethan was still confused at what happened, he had no problem with the guy but Kenny was a jerk that he was sure of.

"Hey man did you ask Sofia out," Parker asked sucking on a bar of chocolate he always brings to school.

"Not yet but I got her number" Ethan grinned remembering how he had been doing everything in his power to get the girl. Ethan had accomplished making Sofia his friend before he asks her out. He was serious with Sofia but something deep inside of him didn't impress him anymore, it felt like a competition to him which didn't sit well with him. He had a very long conversation with the girl yesterday in the library and he feels bad for what he was doing. She is charming and sweet.

"What are you waiting for man, I saw Kenny with her a while ago," Parker said worriedly. Everyone knew how Kenny rolled with this kind of thing.

"Where did you see them?" He was on his heels in an instant eyes narrowed in anger.

"At her locker and he was busy being touch touch and laughing with her" Parker followed trying to keep up with the long strides the man was taking. "Rumor has it that he likes her and he is planning to make it official," Parker added making Ethan to scoff loudly as he turned on his heels looking at Parker.

"We both know that's bullshit," Ethan said taking the route to the girl's lockers, and as soon as he rounded the corner he saw Kenny holding Sofia's hand as she laughed at something he said. This made Ethan angry so much his nostrils were flaring as he stalked toward them and the first thing he did was to pull Sofia's slander hand from Kenny's.

"If it's not Ethan Hurt," Kenny just grinned showing off those perfect teeth which Ethan finds annoying as fuck. They were too white for his liking and wondered why girls liked that.

"Sofia can I talk to you," Ethan asked but all his eyes were on Kenny challengingly.

"I am talking to her," Kenny said in a monotonous voice pulling Sofia's hand from Ethan's.

"I want to tell her something," both men glared at each other hating themselves more, blue versus hazel without blinking. It was like a staring contest.

"And I said we are still talking" Kenny hissed making the students who were in the hallway stop at the deep voice and commanding tone he used as they watched. Seeing the hunks of the school wanting to fight each other, was something you wanted to see with your own eyes. They were both pretty popular guys at school and handsome as well.

"Um Guys stop," Sofia said laughing nervously "Uh I have to go to class now" She turned around holding her books tightly on her chest embarrassed, and asking herself what was that.

"I will see you Friday beautiful," Kenny was quick to pull her to his chest and caress her cheek while looking at Ethan with that annoying smugness which he hated. Sofia said a simple okay and walked off blushing not knowing what she left behind "See I told you if she wants me to fuck her then I will" Kenny grinned making sure no one heard him but Ethan.

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