Chapter 3- Rewritten.

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I live and I learn but I wait my turn,
I'm always on the run,
Got weight to burn.

Kenny got out of his car, a white shirt pulled to his elbows and threw the jacket in his car, locking it before entering a familiar building. He got into the elevator pressed the buttons and waited for it to open tiredly. If he didn't need destruction he wouldn't be here. He sighed heavily closing his eyes for a moment he missed another car parked behind his taking pictures of him.

A tall buff black guy wearing black jeans, a black shirt, and a leather jacket, came out with his phone pressed to his ear. Kenny opened his eyes then and he caught sight of him. A smile graced his lips. The guy was stupid thinking Kenny didn't know what he was doing, he had been following Kenny for almost a year now or so and Kenny wasn't stupid like they thought he was, he knew exactly what was going on and he loved the excitement that bubbled deep into his soul just the mere sight of him.

He entered the elevator when it opened but before it closed the guy rushed telling him to hold up which he gladly did. The guy entered thanking Kenny who gave him a simple nod and pulled out his phone playing with it while the elevator rode up. Kenny wanted to laugh out loud but contained himself and ignored the guy the whole way up.

If this is what Ethan calls discreet, then he was bad at it or the people he hires are bad at it.

Kenny sized the man up and down, he was wearing black from head to toe and he didn't miss the way the black fitted shirt held his tight ripped body so well, the man was obviously a gym freak at the way his body was. Kenny found himself looking more than he should, he blinked several times when he recalled what he was doing, he hurriedly blanked his face making sure that the guy didn't see his lingering stare on his fucken body. Kenny was fine, he breathed out in relief. He reached his floor as the elevator dinged open and he got out giving the tall black guy one more glance before he walked away but he was surprised when the guy followed.

Is the guy going to follow him till he enters the room, Kenny asked himself, and the guy followed him. Kenny moved slowly but as he moved the guy moved too. Kenny smiled shaking his head in disbelief " Really Ethan really"  he murmured under his breath wondering what Ethan was doing.

Kenny knew Ethan was behind this, he found out when he saw a familiar face everywhere he went for nearly a year now, and he put the dots together and they fit so very well. Who would do this except for his arch enemy? It didn't bother him at all instead it excites him more when he thinks about it.  That shows that Ethan was afraid of him and only the thought made his heart excited. So he needed to know what he was doing every time. Kenny knew this and shrugged it off because he had nothing to hide after all what can Ethan do to him NOTHING. He walked towards the room his expensive black shoes scratching the floor imitating power with each step he took not looking behind him aware of the fact that the man was still behind him.

Kenny should have been scared but he wasn't, Ethan was a piece of paper to him, he could take him if he wanted to, but seeing the man squirming like this made him happy.

He reached the room knocking on it gently. Behind the door stood a young red-haired beautiful lady who smiled at him beautifully. Kenny returned the smile looking at her from top to bottom loving that she prepared all this for him. Before entering he gave one last glance at the tall black guy who was busy standing there typing on his phone.  What is Ethan planning now Kenny wondered thoughtfully, the guy was not trying to be discreet at all this time around. He shook his head not wanting to stress himself more. He just entered the room to have a good time with the petite red-haired.

Meanwhile, Ethan was home pacing around his room, he didn't know why it bothered him when Kenny visited that lady, it made him angry, and wondered why it always pisses him off. He wanted to see the guy sad, but going to that room to have a good time, in a time of crisis like this was beyond Ethan. Wasn't Kenny scared or plotting to take him down, Was all this a decoy so Ethan could put his guard down? Ethan was not stupid, Kenny was doing something and he was doing it with that red haired.

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