Chapter 41. Rewritten.

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I couldn't have done better than you,
You are perfect just the way you are,
Never change a thing.


"Hey, how did it go with your old man," Phil asked as he entered his bedroom plopping down next to Jimmy who was splatted all over the bed.

"It was fine." Jimmy grinned recalling the perfect moment he had with his boyfriend. Only a few minutes with Paul and all his bad mood is thrown out of the window. Like Paul didn't hurt him these past days. Jimmy was a mess. He doesn't want to feel like that ever again. He found out the hard way that if Paul isn't in his life, life sucks really really bad. if Jimmy could, he would tie the Oldman down on his bed so that he doesn't disappear like that ever again.

Though Jimmy tries to understand Paul's fear. The way Kenny hates his brother, Jimmy knows that he will be mad if he finds out about them. This scares Jimmy too coz Paul loves Kenny more than he likes him. There is a possibility of him choosing Kenny over him and the chances are high. Only Kenny speculating that he saw them made Paul blacklist him for days and if it wasn't his plan, Paul would have gone for... Jimmy shivered at his own thoughts. He was so deeply into the old man sometimes...not sometimes. Most of the time it hurts.

He doesn't want to think of a life without the old man.

"The look on your face shows something else," Phil teased putting his legs on Jimmy's lap. Jimmy glared at him but didn't push them away. He sighed lowly looking at his best friend who was already looking at him.

"I don't understand this feeling," Jimmy voiced out carassing Phil's hairy legs in thoughts. He was about to use the L-word earlier and it scared him.

"What feeling,"

"I don't know," Jimmy shrugged not knowing how to explain it. "When I don't see or hear from him I feel like I can't go on with life. Life sucked so much when I didn't reach him," Jimmy was explaining it but in the end, it doesn't make sense even in his mind.

"Are you perhaps falling for him," Phil asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"As in falling in love with him," Jimmy asked in confusion but deep down he was sure he was falling.

"Me, love," Phil nodded with arched eyebrows. "I don't know really. Isn't that as in too early," Jimmy asked still in confusion. They haven't dated for that long. Not even two months had passed since they started seeing each other. He can't be in love with him, right? "We've just started dating," Jimmy rubbed his chin in thought. Why is he falling this hard?

"That doesn't mean that you can't fall in love," Phil rolled his eyes at him.

"Really," Jimmy's heart started beating so loud. Is he in love with Paul.

"I can't believe this," Phil rolled his eyes again. Sometimes Jimmy might be stupid "You're clearly in love with the guy. You called me almost every day to rant about him. You've been not eating or sleeping because of that old guy," Phil sat up and looked at Jimmy with a loud snort "I'm sorry to break it to you my dear friend but I think you're already in love with the guy," he added seriously.

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe it," Even though he was still in doubt, Deep inside Jimmy knew that what Phil was saying was true. The feeling in his body is so new to him but he understands the feeling. He was just in denial. He had never spent so much money on something without regretting it later but somehow he feels like it's not even enough. The things he wants to do for Paul are never enough in his mind. It's always so little.

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