Chapter 16- Rewritten

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Life is short,
There is no time to leave important
Words unsaid.


Finally, It was the day of the fashion show and Kenny wasn't as excited as he was before the kidnapping happened, though part of him needed to win and part of him didn't care at all. He had prepared everything and he knew it was going to be superb but he wasn't into it like before. Kenny yet again is going to show the people of North Carolina what fashion means. His designs were unique, exceptional, and fashionable and Kenny knew it would make people fall in love with them the minute they saw them.

"Let's go son you are the host you don't wanna be tardily," Paul smiled at him adjusting his suit.

Kenny sighed looking at himself in the mirror one more time "You're right Dad, Michael is waiting for us let's go," Kenny walked out after adjusting his suit jacket and Paul followed behind. Paul knows something is off with Kenny, the last time Kenny behaved like this was the day Ethan opened up his company. Kenny didn't like it since day one and if he had the power he would have sabotaged the man's company.

But Paul didn't bring him up like that. Competition is everywhere.

Paul thinks something happened in that forest that Kenny didn't want to talk about but it hurts him to see the love of his life not happy yet Paul doesn't want to ask, if Kenny wanted the man to know he would have told him so Paul would be patient.

The drive was fifteen minutes long and both men were in their heads. Kenny parked his Range Rover and they walked inside the building, and what Kenny saw put a smile on his face, the settings, designs, and decorations were preened. He liked them so much, The colors matched the chairs, it was spectacular, the models he hired from New York were ready, and everything was perfect the way he liked it.

"For sure you are going to win," Ron whispered to him, Kenny wanted to go take a look at Ethan's side to see what the man planned.

"Yes," he sighed and if he looked at Ron he would have seen the surprised look on his face

"We have to win Kenny, we put in too much, those models are expensive," Ron murmured.

"I Know Ron," Kenny replied in a shaky voice.

"What's wrong with you," Ron asked because the Kenny he knew was not the Kenny is seeing now.

"Nothing I want this to end" Kenny sighed for the fifth time that day touching his forehead as if it hurt and walked away from Ron. He walked toward Ethan's side and his eyes almost left their sockets at the way they widened in shock. He felt beads of sweat cascade down his forehead at the way the models looked.


Kenny was confident in his designs but seeing Ethan's designs and colours made him gulp. Kenny walked to his seat in front and sat down feeling like he was about to get a panic attack. Ethan might win and part of him hates it.

Soon the show started everyone was seated watching the models do their thing. Reporters were there, people were recording and posting everything that happened. Ethan's models where the first to take the stage showing off the beautiful designs which most of them where made by Ethan himself. They were mostly dresses, pants, and crop tops in different designs which made Kenny sweat more.

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